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Changing Avatar - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Changing Avatar (/showthread.php?tid=3061)

- David Newton - 12-04-2011

Having some difficulty with viewing a changed avatar. My profile shows the new picture, but a new post is still showing the old picture. What gives?

Any help is appreciated!

- Ben951 - 12-05-2011

Maybe it's your local computer caching it...

What should it be now?

- David Newton - 12-07-2011

I just took another picture and uploaded it. Could the size be an issue?

- David Newton - 12-07-2011

I (think) I figured it out: I took this picture with a 12 megabyte camera and the file is huge. After I compressed the image, it uploaded and presented fine.

Not that it matters as you still can't see the vanity plate =(

- David Newton - 12-07-2011

Now I uploaded a cleaner version and I have no way to save it? My bet is this message posted with NO avatar since I deleted the previous one and couldn't upload the new one? Ugh I feel stupid.

- LouZ - 12-07-2011

I'm not sure what you are trying to do...your avatar is showing up as the back end of a blue Cayman, the plate is a little hard to read.