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The "would you rather..." game - Printable Version

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- APXD 30 - 01-19-2007

Leather & adjustable=best of both worlds.

Tell your Prof you are running VIR and hope he understands


Elude that a "business commitment" prohibits your attendance.

PS- Already bought the Quattro over the Nissan.


- Marty Kocse - 01-19-2007

Business Commitment - don't chance getting a 0 on your exam



Audi S4

- catchacab - 01-20-2007

BMW M3!!!! As long it isn't an '02


Guards Red




Speed Yellow


- Marty Kocse - 01-20-2007

Guards Red - Is there any other color?

Weekend at the beach with hottie partner


Weekend at the track with your Porsche

- Brian Minkin - 01-20-2007

Weekend at the track! I always bring my hottie partner.Big Grin





You beat me to the guards red answer.  :X

- Marty Kocse - 01-20-2007

Rally - simply because I haven't done one and I'd like to...


Fun Rally with family/kids


Competetive Rally with co-pilot

- Brian Minkin - 01-20-2007

Fun Rally with Kids and/or Wife....The safe way to travel.

Competitive Rally with Wife or Sig. Other as navigator.....high risk could lead to heated disagreement.

Which will it be Marty?  How brave are you?:dude:

I say competitive rally. I like heat! Big Grin





- Marty Kocse - 01-20-2007

First rally with kids would be for fun, I would do competitive with co-pilot other than my wife.  Maybe with my girlfriend, Steve.

Analog is a classic look - digital doesn't do anything for me.

Heat of Florida Summer


Cold of Pennsylvania Winter

- smankow - 01-21-2007

one trailer available for VIR weekend since "membership boy" had an identity crisis (only kidding)

FLORIDA heat without question - I hate the cold weather months.


RTR autocross event


RTR autocross "road show"

- Graham - 01-27-2007

Auto X Road show


Would you rather fight...

100 toddlers


15 geese