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Der Gasser- Letter to Editor - Printable Version

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- emayer - 09-16-2009


Thanks for your pointed response to an illogical series of questions.  One would think that posting the minutes is a clear sign of transparency and should've helped avoid unnecessary conjecture.....

To the Exec council:

As for the summary points written by Joe and others, how to we proceed from here?  Do we need to formally propose these ideas or are they already under consideration by the leadership?

- George3 - 09-16-2009

Good advice, Chris.
The minutes published online should answer some of the questions posed here on the forum.

After clicking on the link in Chris' post, on the left navigation bar, click "Membership," then click "Exec Minutes." 


- formerlythethrottlemaster - 09-16-2009

Now about the Speed Council, make their meeting and decisions transparent.  Are they allowed to make decisions without approval of the Executive Board?  How does the Executive Board oversee the Speed Council?  Why doesn't the President or Vice President sit on the Speed Council?


- JoeP - 09-16-2009

Eric, et al:  I will be happy to work with RTR stakeholders to assemble an analysis of DE financials and options when the time is right.  Alison probably has her hands full right now, so I would hate to add something new to her plate.  It is too late to affect 2009 events anyway, so we have plenty of time to plan for the 2010 DE season.

- ADCooperS - 09-16-2009


We are currently in the process of comparing the budget, determined at the beginning of the year, to final actual numbers.  As Chris had mentioned, the participation levels at the DE events were lower than we had expected when preparing the budget.  As you can imagine, performing this analysis is a time-consuming process as we want to ensure the information is accurate and complete.  We will use this analysis to prepare the budget for 2010 and to determine which tracks we will hold DE events at next year.  We expect to complete this analysis in the next few weeks (obviously with the exception of final MAW/Thunderbolt results).

The 2010 budget (which includes a detailed DE budget) will be reviewed and approved by the full Board. 


- Mike Andrews - 09-16-2009

formerlythethrottlemaster wrote:
Quote:Now about the Speed Council, make their meeting and decisions transparent. Are they allowed to make decisions without approval of the Executive Board? How does the Executive Board oversee the Speed Council? Why doesn't the President or Vice President sit on the Speed Council?

You posted in an earlier thread saying you heard that the president drove for free and wanted clarification, to which I replied. When I asked who you were you went silent and have now come back with a different (but similar) user name. I'll ask you again, who are you?

Their (speed council) decisions are clear.... you see the results of them at every track event.

Are they allowed to make decisions without the approval of the exec? Yes they are. As is every chairperson on the exec. Autocross, social, rally and so on are responsible for their programs and as such are required to make decisions as it pertains to their programs. With that said, when it comes to decisions that affect the club as a whole (like budget) the whole board gets involved. The decisions/conversatiions that are made at speed council are things like:

What all went wrong at Summit Point?

What can we do to reduce the chances of that happening again?

How can we handle crashes and the aftermath better?

How and where are we with regards to participation for the next event?

and so on.... you can rest assured we are not talking about you. Well, we might be, if we knew who you are.....

The speed council is comprised of people required to run that program. The vice president is responsible for setting and holding meetings and the president is responsible for overseeing the club. When decisions are made within any program it's the chairpersons responsibility to communicate that to the rest of the board.

FWIW, I can see a time when there will be a council (or something similar) for autocross, the newsletter and other programs.

- Mike Andrews - 09-16-2009

George3 wrote:
Quote:Mike Andrews wrote:
Quote:Guys... Let's keep this friendly and on point.....

But.... we have roughly eight to ten people posting opinions and ideas and we have roughly eight to ten different approaches..... who's gonna get the other 1300 members opinions? Confusedhock:

In all seriousness, even with so few people involved, it's sometimes hard to get a consensous so you can imagine how hard it is when it comes to big decisions.

I imagine this thread is keeping you pretty busy. :?


As long as it remains constructive I'm willing to try....

- emayer - 09-16-2009

Thx Execs!

We appreciate your efforts on our behalf and are looking forward to positive changes once the budgets have been ironed out.

- linda.erwin - 09-16-2009

emayer wrote:
Quote:Thx Execs!

We appreciate your efforts on our behalf and are looking forward to positive changes once the budgets have been ironed out.

Eric: Regarding your previous post, I really appreciate your support and encouragement.

Mike: Would it be worthwhile to survey DE Program participants for their input on maintaining the program in top form?

Graham/Joe: Regarding the upcoming Election, will we receive an advance copy of the agenda?


- TwentySix - 09-16-2009

formerlythethrottlemaster wrote:
Quote: Have the Executive Board members treated each other with the respect and understanding that they deserve?

Who would ask such a question?

Anyone else think this mystery internet troll is our former treasurer? [Image: popcorn.gif]