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Financial Shakeup this weekend - Printable Version

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- nplenzick - 03-26-2008

Wellardmac wrote:
Quote:ccm911 wrote:
Quote:On paper, communism looks pretty good. The problem is, that the dictatorship never dissolves, as the theory was explained back in history classes.

The real problem facing us right now is Religion. It is the absolute root of all evil! We have a bunch of Southern Hayseeds here in America trying to force feed us normal folks their twisted version of Biblical law. We have Pro-Lifers just going nuts, blowing up clinics(Eric Rudolph) and murdering innocent folks, all in the name of Religion. We have a bunch of awful Muslims doing the same in the name of Allah. If we could just stamp out religion for once and for all, we could probably have a much more peaceful world. I am all for folks expressing their beliefs, but at this point it has gone too far, and the extremists must be reeled in. This goes for the Religious Right, here in America, as well as Muslim terrorists in the Middle East. Get rid of religion, and the world would be a much better place.

I hate to sound extreme, but it has gone way too far, and is now impinging on my (and your) freedom of the pursuit of Happiness.

I agree with you 100%. There is little religious tolerance in this country. A little amusing and ironic considering that we were supposedly founded on religious tolerance (not true, but that's what they try to teach in schools).

I'm tired of religion being forced down my throat. I'm tired of candidates being told that, people won't vote for you because you're Catholic or Mormon. Religion is irrelevant for if you're running for President, as you're supposed to be running the country without regard for religion. As a public official you should not be letting your religion influence your decisions.... I wish that were true, but that's the way that it's supposed to be.

Religion causes most of the world's wars. Religious discord results in most disagreement and discontent. Religion is currently influencing public policy and I'm sorry, but that's the last place it should be. I'm not having a religious ideology influence what my kids are taught in school or what I can or cannot do with my body (abortion, stem cell research, etc.). It's backwards and restrictive of freedoms.

Too often we're being told by the evangelicals what we can and cannot do based upon their belief system. The sooner that the citizens of this country reclaim their government from religion the better and happier we all will be.
I'll give that a big AmenSmile

- ccm911 - 03-27-2008

And I'll be VP.  We could be the Gun Toting, Pro-Choice, Stem Cell, what-have-you party.Big Grin

But I'll bet those "snake handlers" won't vote for us.

- catchacab - 03-27-2008

Wayne, why would you want to be President of this fine country.  I already consider you a member of a royal familyTongue

- ccm911 - 03-27-2008

I know it's not a popular thing to say, but I really think the world of the ACLU.  They just do the best work.  True America at its finest.  And I love when these so-called "Republicans" slam them repeatedly.  What are they afraid of?  True Democracy in action?

- emayer - 03-28-2008

I agree with everyone's comments regarding religious intolerance and the fact that this should have no role whatsoever in politcs.  That said, I find some of the ACLU's positions equally offensive.  We should be just as wary of those pushing a socially "progressive" agenda under the guise of constitutional protection.

Wayne, you still have my vote... Big Grin

- AMoore - 03-28-2008

ccm911 wrote:
Quote:I know it's not a popular thing to say, but I really think the world of the ACLU. They just do the best work. True America at its finest. And I love when these so-called "Republicans" slam them repeatedly. What are they afraid of? True Democracy in action?

I am most appalled when some Republicans suggest that being anti-war is unpatriotic or shows a hatred of America.

- dmano - 03-28-2008

Give them to me I would love to torture them.

- emayer - 03-28-2008

Wellardmac wrote:
Quote:emayer wrote:
Quote:I agree with everyone's comments regarding religious intolerance and the fact that this should have no role whatsoever in politcs. That said, I find some of the ACLU's positions equally offensive. We should be just as wary of those pushing a socially "progressive" agenda under the guise of constitutional protection.

Wayne, you still have my vote... Big Grin

Thank you. Smile

I give the ACLU credit because they don't care how unpopular your opinion is they will look at it only from the perspective of the law in question and whether it is constitutionally sound.

They have defended both sides of the political extremes without regard for how offensive people might find the opinions of those they're defending - really that's the way it should be.

The ACLU stands up and defends only one thing and that's the Constitution. They're defending it from the whims and swings in public opinion and most of all they're defending it from the government of the day that almost always seeks to pass laws that would erode it.

Believe me, this country would be very different and have A LOT less freedom without the ACLU being around. I could argue that all patriotic Americans should be members of the ACLU. Wink

I agree that the ACLU is necessary and performs excellent work protecting our constitution. While their overall cause is noble, they are highly selective of cases to pursue and I disagree that they represent both political extremes equally. I would go so far to say that some positions they've taken should give pause as to whether they are seeking media attention or truly looking out for all of us folks.

Looking at their Homepage today: "The ACLU advocates for the rights of immigrants, refugees and non-citizens, challenging unconstitutional laws and practices and the myths upon which these unfair laws are based."

Unfair according to whom? The constitution? Immigrants entering legally? Taxpaying American citizens?

How about their class action lawsuit in West Palm Beach Florida proclaiming low graduation rates are a constitutional violation. Did I miss something in the document that mandates a GED for all citizens? Are the parents and students themselves not primarily responsible for their own education and upbringing? Is this not one of the Constitutional premises this country was based on?

Perhaps you could enlighten me further, but delving into their current projects I could not find a single example of a case represented by the ACLU that could be considered to be representative of a conservative mindset. Please understand that I feel the ACLU plays a vital role, but certainly has a progressive agenda. There are groups on the opposite side of the political spectrum performing the same function, each attempting to influence constitutionality in order to further their mindset.

I'm becoming increasingly disgruntled with all our current presidential candidates. Am I alone in having a centrist, pragmatically based and fiscally conservative philosophy that emphasizes personal responsibility and abhors religious or progressive mandates on the way we should live? Once again, it seems as though the silent majority will lose elected representaion.

- ccm911 - 03-28-2008

I have the answer for you.  It is called the Libertarian Party.  Once we get through these primaries, I will change my registration back.

- emayer - 03-28-2008

ccm911 wrote:
Quote:I have the answer for you. It is called the Libertarian Party. Once we get through these primaries, I will change my registration back.
I love it! One problem, who's running?