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Der Gasser- Letter to Editor - Printable Version

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- JoeP - 09-19-2009

I came late to this party.  So, I have zero knowledge regarding the 2010 nomination process, and, frankly, I do not care.  I recognize that current participants are working within a system that was already in place.  The following comments are directed at the game itself, not the players:

  > We are a club of enthusiasts who love cars.  In these fiscally dangerous times, we cannot afford anything to distract us from saving the club activities that we all enjoy. 

  > We should elect the best candidates who we can trick into volunteering for any given position.  The very idea of an election “slate�? gives me the willies. 

  > By its very nature, the current nomination process pits groups of people against each other, and this broken process should be changed.  Articles and define a nominating step that is unnecessary and divisive.  For no good reason, we create a separate class of members that trigger an involuntary response in the Type “A�? individuals that typify PCA.  Instead, the Bylaws should save us from our own frailties.  The Club would be equally served if these two articles were eliminated, and Article simply started with, “Active and family-active members may make nominations from the floor at the August[/b] meeting of the members….�?[/i]  There is no reason to complicate matters.  Anyone, including the President and Past-Presidents, would be free to nominate whomever they wish in an open forum with little drama. 

  > We need a new article that precludes any candidate from running for office with contingencies.  Stipulating that "I will only serve as Minority Whip if Mike Dukakis is President"[/i] is complete nonsense.  Contingencies create de facto political parties, and the US Congress shows us how well that works. 

It is too late to fix the rules for this election, but I hope that we can all calm down and elect the best individuals to represent us during what will be a difficult challenge in 2010.  They will need all of the help we can give them.

- larrybard - 09-19-2009


I understand your rationale, but nevertheless believe that the current process, despite arguable shortcomings, warrants retention, for a few reasons.

The functioning of a nominating committee serves the potentially useful purpose of permitting knowledgeable well-intentioned individuals to offer, as a starting point, a slate of what they regard to be the most qualified candidates.  Is it possible that, for various reasons (bad faith, ulterior motives, etc.), this objective might on occasion not be realized, and the process wouldn't work as hoped?  Of course.  But it's not an exclusive mechanism for serving up to candidates for consideration of the members; clearly RTR members will not be reluctant to avail themselves of the bylaws provision that permits "nominations from the floor." Probably more importantly, for all that has been said (and implied) recently about secretiveness, I for one have been enormously impressed by much of the openness and candor, and I have every confidence that members, especially if they attend Wednesday's meeting, will have a full opportunity to hear the relevant facts.  Clearly many members are far from shy about speaking up, even in some cases beyond what some would consider normal civility (though I don't recall anyone shouting "You lie!").  For the time being I certainly am willing to suspend my usual inordinate skepticism and give the benefit of the doubt to both "sides" and see how this continues to unfold.



- Phokaioglaukos - 09-19-2009

Joe and Larry,

What I would really like to see our nominating committee of three past-presidents and our current president accomplish is the combination of the two "sides" that we have all detected into one combined group of nominees. It may not be possible at this point, but it might be and it's worth the effort. I have suggested to both Mike and Graham different ways of doing that, and those with more experience of the Club's operation than I (and that is almost everyone) can probably suggest even better ways.

Both Mike and Graham are well-intentioned with the best interests of the Club at heart and share many similar ideas of how the Club could work even better.  As I have said to each of them, I'd be happy to work with either of them next year.

It's not possible to over estimate how difficult the past year has been for the Board. I will not try to characterize the two different points of view I saw among fellow Board members around what we are calling financial improprieties--indeed, I held each of them myself at different times. That episode should be behind us now and we should concentrate on the future. We have a very strong Club and in these times of economic distress we have the chance to make it stronger.


- larrybard - 09-19-2009


You're sure you're not abroad on some undisclosed diplomatic mission?  You sure sound diplomatic to me (and I mean that as a compliment).


- Wellardmac - 09-19-2009

dmano wrote:
Quote:Wellardmac wrote:
Quote:Oh, I'm just passing through, but I'm so disgusted by this whole episode that I had to comment.
Dude where have you been I miss batting the forum around with you.

Nice to know you missed me. Smile

I've been really busy - we had another kid late last year and along with it went all my spare time.

It got to a point where I had next to no spare time and was encountering too much BS - Life is too short to deal with BS when you don't have to. Smile

I'm hoping at some point to have enough time to come out and play again, but it might be the Spring before that happens. Don't worry - I'll be back. Smile

- emayer - 09-19-2009

Well said Chris, and thanks for your continued efforts on behalf of the club.

We have two excellent candidates that deserve to be elected simply based on what they can offer the club.

Personally, I have no issue with the bylaws or nominating process.  Since the intent of the nominating committee is to draw up a "recommended" slate, I would suggest that either the minutes of the meeting be made public or a representative be selected to explain the reasons for their selection given the deviation from normal practice.

This is in the interest of full disclosure so that voting members have all the information needed to make a selection.  This should be no problem since presumably they acted in the club's best interest.  The impact of this process on Graham is self-evident.  I would also argue on Mike's behalf, that until this step is taken, his otherwise strong candidacy may be unfairly viewed with skepticism.

BTW,  Welcome back Wellard!  I too missed the sporadic lively debate.  It was a nice reprieve from the drudgery of work.  Did they just release you from GITMO?  Tongue

I posted this after your reply- congratulations on the new arrival!

- Wellardmac - 09-19-2009

emayer wrote:
Quote:BTW, Welcome back Wellard! I too missed the sporadic lively debate. It was a nice reprieve from the drudgery of work. Did they just release you from GITMO? Tongue

I posted this after your reply- congratulations on the new arrival!

Thanks! Yes, some did want to send me to Gitmo, but I don't worry about their problems. Tongue

Life has been busy and I also missed our debates - it keeps the mind active.

Don't worry, I'm around and do keep an eye on what's going on, but just have too little time to participate much - infants and toddlers are a serious time-sink.

I can honestly say that I have not participated in a single RTR event this year - much like the majority of our members - but I have managed to get out to NNJR for some drives up there. I'm actually heading up to CT tomorrow for a brunch and drive in celebration of Ferry Porsche's birthday - a nice excuse to get together with some friends from that area.

- asher681 - 09-19-2009

Wellard,   good to hear you are back, we had a drive & dine last week to the Doylestown Arts Festival,  Great Time had by ALLL !!!!  Today Katherine & I were with 52 Resentoters on Francine's crab trip, again a GREAT time !!!!! Join in us next Saturday for our  "Annual Resentoter Falll Wine tour" . This fall we are touring the Lehigh Valley, the trip's info is in der gasser & on the web site........     Joe Asher, Resentoter VP 

- Wellardmac - 09-19-2009

asher681 wrote:
Quote:Wellard, good to hear you are back, we had a drive & dine last week to the Doylestown Arts Festival, Great Time had by ALLL !!!! Today Katherine & I were with 52 Resentoters on Francine's crab trip, again a GREAT time !!!!! Join in us next Saturday for our "Annual Resentoter Falll Wine tour" . This fall we are touring the Lehigh Valley, the trip's info is in der gasser & on the web site........ Joe Asher, Resentoter VP

Joe - good to hear from you!

I'd forgotten that the crab trip was today. I've actually been rushing around getting my chores done so that I could attend an event up in Stamford CT tomorrow... a fun drive, I get to see my New England buddies and a bunch of Porsches - what more could I want? Smile

Thanks for the invite to the wine tour. I'll have to pass though. I don't drink, so the tour bit would be fun, but the wine less so. I'm more of a fan of the driving than the drinking and eating. Smile

Hopefully we'll get some of my drives going again next season when my daughter gets a little older. I miss pulling together a caravan of 50-60 Porsches and threading them through the backroads of Bucks county. Smile

- ccm911 - 09-20-2009

Wellardmac wrote:
Quote:I don't drink, so the tour bit would be fun, but the wine less so.
Quote:Now THAT precisely explains Well'ard's cantankerous attitude!
In any case, welcome back to the forum. I too miss our long winded debates.

Hope you'll stick around.