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Obama vs. Palin - Printable Version

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- APXD 30 - 09-05-2008

ccm911 wrote:
Quote:And kudos to the way you raised your daughter. I thought that 17 year olds only got married in Southern Trailer Parks and the Ozark Mountains. Guess I was wrong.
Don't forget in Hawaii to Kenyan exchange students.

- nplenzick - 09-05-2008

ccm911 wrote:
Quote:Come on, do I really have to spoon feed everything?
Chris, its the Karl Rove "one party philosophy" Let's pick a group that's passionate about their beliefs and use that group for or own financial and political gain. Even though we could care less in what they believe or stand for.

- nplenzick - 09-05-2008

Wellardmac wrote:
Quote:Don't you love the extremists on both sides? I just wish that some could see the good and bad in both sides and speak with moderation, rather than clinging to their polar views.

Both conventions reminded me of the Nuremberg rallies... do we really think that's a good image for the world to see? Mindless morons shouting "USA!" without thought to thinking critically about any of the information they are being spoon fed. Both sides twist the truth and lie to suit their needs and feed their mindless party base - those that drink the nectar without thinking.

We should be ashamed that this is the best image we can project to the world.

I my mind this election is depressing because the candidates from both sides are pitiful.

In my mind it's not a question of who is best qualified to be president. It's a question of who will harm our country least. I dislike both candidates AND their VP picks.

Right now the best circumstance we can hope for is a split of powers so that neither side can continue the damage of the last 8 years, or inflict their own particular brand of devastation.

I would love to see congress in the hands of one party and the administration in the hands of another... oh, yes, we have that right now, a Congress is intent on passing worthless laws - 3000 of them since they were elected that achieved little of substance. National Watermelon Day. Say no more.

The Democrats were elected to congress on a spirit of change - not only have they failed to achieve that, they didn't even try to achieve it. They should go fire themselves in embarrassment - Despite their bluster they did nothing to reverse the damage that had been done, or limit future damage. When push came to shove, they capitulated and went with the flow... more surveillance? No problem! Immunity for telecoms? No problem? less freedom to protest? No problem! Limiting government spending? sorry, can't do that.

I feel sick to my stomach just thinking about it. Makes you want to go out and start a revolution... oh, sorry, don't have the freedom to do that anymore, that would make you a terrorist.

Anyone who supports either party should be ashamed.

As I said, my decision at this point is that I'm loathed to vote for any of these idiots, it's just a question of who will mess up the country less. When I figure that out I'll cast my vote.
Without strong leadership Congress is pretty much worthless. It really doesn't matter if it's republican or democrat. You need a strong leader. It's why a CEO gets paid the big bucks......if their good, their company succeeds, if their bad the company flounders. The same can even be said of this club or any other for that matter. A strong leader can get things accomplish while a weak one just lets it go at the status quo while members of it's executive board argue their heads off!

I watched both conventions. Conventions are pretty much about building there base and both did that well. Their really not meant for the voter who is own the fence. That courtship will be in the next two months. I thought all speeches were lame except for one. Last Thursday night before Obama spoke it was everything I could do to keep awake....just a lot of hype. I didn't think he could live up to it and the 85,000+ would go home pretty disappointed. He not only lived up to it hit it out of the park. 85K on their feet. Even Pat Buchanan said it was one of the best political speeches of his lifetime.

There are many people who feel as you do about our politicians. Do you realize that our politicians are us? The four people running right now pretty much came from no where. They were not the sons and daughters presidents or senators. They are people like you and I. I would suggest if your so unhappy with your choices to run for office. If you don't like what's going on why not try to change it!

- Wellardmac - 09-05-2008

nplenzick wrote:
Quote:Without strong leadership Congress is pretty much worthless. It really doesn't matter if it's republican or democrat. You need a strong leader. It's why a CEO gets paid the big bucks......if their good, their company succeeds, if their bad the company flounders. The same can even be said of this club or any other for that matter. A strong leader can get things accomplish while a weak one just lets it go at the status quo while members of it's executive board argue their heads off!

Agreed. The congressional leaders are spineless and weak. They have no intestinal fortitude for a fight and will not stand up for principle, or the Constitution. They're happy to punt and let others sort this out in the courts, while at the same time crying about "activist judges legislating from the bench". If good laws were written it wouldn't be an issue.

nplenzick wrote:
Quote:I watched both conventions. Conventions are pretty much about building there base and both did that well. Their really not meant for the voter who is own the fence. That courtship will be in the next two months. I thought all speeches were lame except for one. Last Thursday night before Obama spoke it was everything I could do to keep awake....just a lot of hype. I didn't think he could live up to it and the 85,000+ would go home pretty disappointed. He not only lived up to it hit it out of the park. 85K on their feet. Even Pat Buchanan said it was one of the best political speeches of his lifetime.

I have not been impressed with much of what I have seen. Lot's of style and hyperbole over substance. As I said, most of it was lying and twisting of the truth to energize the party morons that don't think for themselves and question what they're being told, also known as "the bases" - such a nice term for a bunch of people who mindlessly do as they're told and believe what they're told and do so without a shred of critical thought.

nplenzick wrote:
Quote:There are many people who feel as you do about our politicians. Do you realize that our politicians are us? The four people running right now pretty much came from no where. They were not the sons and daughters presidents or senators. They are people like you and I. I would suggest if your so unhappy with your choices to run for office. If you don't like what's going on why not try to change it!

I do way more than the average American. I am active in keeping up with current affairs. I am critical and active in digesting and using the information that is available. I seek out information to understand issues and do not take what is spoon fed to me. I frequently express my opinion to my legislators and have met several of them. How many here can claim the same?

I'm not a politician because much as I love to study current affairs and politics I find that I can be far more productive to society as an inventor. I stick to what I know is my power ally. I also KNOW that I have done more to benefit the world than many legislators.

Yes, I know that Congress could be made better if there were more critical thinkers like me in congress, but to be honest, the system is corrupted by money. Sorry to say it, but one person cannot make a difference in this system - been there, seen it, done, it wrote the book. I'm one of those fools that believes in fairness and justice and sadly there's not much out there when it comes to the way this country is run. Take out the money and things might get better.

I'm happy earning more money and making a bigger impact in the world than the average politician - even though that might mean that I have less national recognition and influence. That's a tradeoff I can live with. Wink

It all comes back to our previous discussion - if we had a better education system, then the average person would be smarter and better informed - Our population would be more critical and productive and we would have better quality politicians. Fix the education system and lots of other things fall in place. Until that happens idiots will continue to elect idiots.

- dmano - 09-05-2008

I agree completely with Wayne. Education is and has been our downfall. The party's on both sides are like the creatures from Dawn of the Dead, mindless zombies.

I like none of the candidates, they all talk out of the sides of their mouths,  like a politician is supposed to do. They tell you what you want to here.

A quote from Bill Cosby:

    We have millionaire football and basketball players who can't read or write.

     Education is free and available to all but most will not take advantage.


I think we need a King or a Queen and Parliament back to run us again.

- dmano - 09-05-2008

nplenzick wrote:
Quote:dmano wrote:
Quote:So she is pregnant at 17 so the F$%^K what. So was my mom Do I live in a trailer park I don't think so. You all need to get your heads out of your asses. Who cares. I am Pro- Choice but still think that her track record speaks for itself. So why don't' all you Obama lovin pansies tell me what he has done for this country. Not a F^$king thing. I don't talk about doing things, I do them not unlike him.....

Please list all he has done for the USA that has helped our country or his state.





Please vote for him and watch the country go down the shitter. He is the typical politician unlike Palin.

At least she kills things and eats them.

Are you sure you didn't grow up in a trailer park? Geez what language!

What'a mom Palin is, what a complete disregard for her 17 year old and the ridicule that only that 17 year old pears can give. So when your mom got pregnant did she make sure it was front page news. Palin is 44 she had plenty of time to run for national politics. Ten years from now she would have been young enough and her family would have been far enough along that she could have pursued her political dreams. I would think 5 kids, one pregnant and one severely handicapped and being the governor of Alaska would keep you busy.

Well I am waiting for your list of things your boy has done? Or can't you find any. With a name like nplenzick I did not think you would mind the language.

I work with handicapped children and adults all the time. I still have time to do everything in my life I want. So whats your point.

- nplenzick - 09-05-2008

dmano wrote:
Quote:nplenzick wrote:
Quote:dmano wrote:

Well I am waiting for your list of things your boy has done? Or can't you find any. With a name like nplenzick I did not think you would mind the language.

I work with handicapped children and adults all the time. I still have time to do everything in my life I want. So whats your point.

What would be the point it's been rehashed over and over again. If people are interested in Obama or McKane they can easily look up what they say they have done on their web sites. But it's people such as you who take things out of context, try to twist the fact so it fits your point of view with the hope of convincing a viewer your right. Four years ago I and many others brushed off the likes of you, there's no way GW could get reelected. No way, John Kerry a good man, a war hero it's a no brainier. Then the Karl Rove swift boat tactics came into play and people bought it, hook line and sinker.

"With a name like nplenzick I did not think you would mind the language." I don't get it, what's that suppose to mean? dmano is better?

Good for you and your work with handicapped children, and I'm glad you have everything you want, so exactly what is YOUR point?

- nplenzick - 09-05-2008

Wellardmac wrote:
Quote:I do way more than the average American. I am active in keeping up with current affairs. I am critical and active in digesting and using the information that is available. I seek out information to understand issues and do not take what is spoon fed to me. I frequently express my opinion to my legislators and have met several of them. How many here can claim the same?

I'm not a politician because much as I love to study current affairs and politics I find that I can be far more productive to society as an inventor. I stick to what I know is my power ally. I also KNOW that I have done more to benefit the world than many legislators.

Yes, I know that Congress could be made better if there were more critical thinkers like me in congress, but to be honest, the system is corrupted by money. Sorry to say it, but one person cannot make a difference in this system - been there, seen it, done, it wrote the book. I'm one of those fools that believes in fairness and justice and sadly there's not much out there when it comes to the way this country is run. Take out the money and things might get better.

I'm happy earning more money and making a bigger impact in the world than the average politician - even though that might mean that I have less national recognition and influence. That's a tradeoff I can live with. Wink

It all comes back to our previous discussion - if we had a better education system, then the average person would be smarter and better informed - Our population would be more critical and productive and we would have better quality politicians. Fix the education system and lots of other things fall in place. Until that happens idiots will continue to elect idiots.
There lies the difference between you, myself and Obama. Obama is very highly educated and could have easily made millions in a law firm, he could have had the easy life and continue teaching constitutional law. Yet he feels he could make a difference, a difference for the common man. You may not like his platform but you have to admire his intellect and his desire to do public service. If all the highly educated people you would like to see just used that education for monetary means then what are we left with in politicians?

- Wellardmac - 09-05-2008

Oh dear, where do we dig up these whack-jobs?


- Wellardmac - 09-05-2008

Review on the science positions of the candidates. Palin has not yet been vetted, but it's not going to be pretty.

