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Election info Please Read - Printable Version

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- dmano - 10-09-2008

My name is David

Going by your post I see who's side your on.

- dmano - 10-09-2008

"I'm a minority I deserve a silver spoon in my mouth"  Being a minority does not give one the right to anything. That is the problem with minorities today they think they deserve/are owed everything.  One must work to get what one wants. Not have it handed to them because of their color or religion. If you deserve a scholarship because of some kind of hardship that is fine but not just give them out like candy because your a minority. When plenty of other people could have used one.

- nplenzick - 10-09-2008

Hmmm, it looks like five "I hate Obama" threads so far started by Joe six pack. I think he's doing more for the Obama campaign then Obama himself.  Keep them coming it's fascinating the depths of your intelligence.  


- dmano - 10-09-2008

Biden will be an ok Pres he has a lot of experience

- dmano - 10-09-2008

Biden will be an ok Pres he has a lot of experience

- bobt993 - 10-09-2008

Dave,  I am having a hard time understanding your definition of a minority so please clarify.  Biden has accepted the role of VP, what exactly are you suggesting?

- dmano - 10-09-2008

Sorry gota go Family Guy is on

- AMoore - 10-10-2008


I would think that a capitalist like yourself would not have a problem with private organizations deciding to give a scholarship to the person they feel like giving it to.   The government funded universities are not permitted to give scholarships based solely on race. 

- dmano - 10-10-2008

Sorry, I believe that there should not be any preference to giving out scholarships, they need to be given to the best person not based on race or religion private or government assisted.

- RCohen - 10-10-2008

Based on what Obama is doing and what you are doing at this point, I think the right person got the scholarship!