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Barrett Jackson Scottsdale - Printable Version

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- smankow - 01-22-2009

Chris, I actually agree with you on this topic.  Buying a car for $100K at the BJ auction greatly differs from someone paying $100K for a 997 or GT3.  Although it may be play money to the buyers, it's still called a "Collectors Car Auction".  I think that the buyers may get a bit too caught up in the bidding rather than what they are bidding on.

Chris, I further agree with your thoughts on investment in stocks and real estate.

Hey, stranger things have happened then for me to concur twice with Chris.



- ccm911 - 01-22-2009

Steve, we should mark this momentous occasion...an agreement!!

What they do is get folks all buzzed up on liquor and hype, and then throw in Amy Assiter for a televised lap dance.  Add one cretin dressed in a heavy metal band t-shirt with more dollars than sense....and voila.....we have another sucker. Big Grin

- George3 - 01-22-2009

Chris is right.  I have been to many auctions -- albeit not car auctions -- but auctions nontheless.  You can get caught up in a frenzy of bidding and general wind up paying more than you originally wanted.  However, given the economic conditions, collector cars (of dubious value) will be falling, just like everything else.

- catchacab - 01-22-2009

I think what it comes down to, is there are a good number of men who could afford to overpay for their childhood dream car or the car that they couldn't afford when they were young.  Yes the cars do drive like a POS, but it is like your first lust.  You see her at your HS reunion, and she is not nearly the looker that she was 25 years ago, but you would still take her.

- STEVEMCMORN - 01-22-2009

catchacab wrote:
Quote: Yes the cars do drive like a POS, but it is like your first lust. You see her at your HS reunion, and she is not nearly the looker that she was 25 years ago, but you would still take her.

Funny you should mention that! We are organizing a high school reunion via Facebook and just seen a photo of my high school sweetheart 20 years later .... quite pleased it didn't work out actually!!!!!! Confusedhock:

- AMoore - 01-23-2009

catchacab wrote:
Quote:I think what it comes down to, is there are a good number of men who could afford to overpay for their childhood dream car or the car that they couldn't afford when they were young. Yes the cars do drive like a POS, but it is like your first lust. You see her at your HS reunion, and she is not nearly the looker that she was 25 years ago, but you would still take her.

I have dabbled in the collector car hobby, both muscle cars and sports cars. I profited on every collector car I have ever bought (6), while enjoying working, driving, and showing them. No, I cannot guarantee success, but you do have to be smart. Don't buy a piece of crap, and don't buy an overpriced trailer queen. Wait for the right deal when buying, and only sell if the right offer comes along. Do not put a lot of money into a car that is not desireable unless you are restoring for you own personal satisfaction. You will not get the return. The fact that not everyone follows this philosphy, means that there are opportunities for the wise out there.

I also have a Schwinn Stingray that I really overpaid for. I wanted it since I was 8 years old, and didn't mind paying a premium.