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track events in late Oct or early Nov - Printable Version

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- STEVEMCMORN - 10-16-2009

Terry - good to see you are online as me and you are the only ones not at the track! I emailed the registrar at Potomac for summit for 30OCT -01NOV but no reply. i am now thinking of going to NJMP TB with Nasa NE 30OCT -01NOV instead.... thoughts??


- Terry - 10-18-2009

I hope to do the Potomac deal but I too haven't been able to register.

- Darren - 10-18-2009

NASA NE is at Thunderbolt that weekend Terry.  A few of us will be there racing but there is DE also.

- Gene - 10-18-2009

cjbcpa wrote:
Quote:Call the concierge at the track. They run (currently) $85 per night and include continental breakfast at the Officers Club. Garages are available for an additional $50 per night.

I've not stayed in one before, but the reports I've heard say they are pretty decent.

Really? Crap I blew $18 on breakfast at the concession stand over the weekend.

- bobt993 - 10-19-2009


As Darren suggested.  NASA NE race at Tbolt.  Instruct for free.  You could do time trials also if you wanted.  Looks like Todd, Darren, and I are going to race there. Smile

- Terry - 10-20-2009

I registered for Potomac but, according to the website, I am accepted for Sat-Sun but waitlisted for Friday. This is not cool but I have no time to address it until mid-next week.

- michael lang - 10-20-2009

I'm in for Summit on Sat/Sun. I can't wait, been way too long since last on track for me.


- michael lang - 10-20-2009

From what I understand, Fri. is an invitation ONLY day. That may be why you are waitlisted. From some of the people that I've talked with here in D.C. Fri is supposed to be a thank you day to the volunteers, officers, & probably a small group of track groupies. Not like an advanced only day, can be any run group from what I've been told.


- Terry - 10-21-2009

They have confirmed no Friday for us auslanders.