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Please consider NOT running antifreeze in your car at the track. - Printable Version

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Pages: 1 2

- Lainey - 08-25-2010

Wow, fly on the wall here - first time seeing footage of how slick antifreeze is. You can't even see it.... Question for Eric, did you think of slowing when you saw the big dirt cloud? You must be furious, but what can you do?

- bobt993 - 08-25-2010

ERic did slow after seeing the cloud of dust.  He was going maybe 40 to 50mph.  Lost the entire front grill and radiator.  Replaced the radiator and left the front off as it was mangled.  He came out to race, but had other issues.  If somehow he won we were going to protest and have him weighed.  Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin  His entire weekend was ruined, but his attitude was always positive. 

- bobt993 - 08-25-2010

Nick, it's under the passenger seat.......................  You can also acces it through the cigarette lighter.

- Jimbeau - 08-30-2010

Same video is linked from the Corvette Forum today as well.

Have to admit I'm guilty of running AF in my car but have been thinking about going to water, especially since it doesn't leave the comfort of the garage in the winter anyway and water actually cools better from what I understand.