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Urban Youth Racing School - Printable Version

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- SilverCroc - 10-21-2011


  I think it would be great just to have a variety of the different models together.  Some folks will be deeper into the explanations than others and that's to be expected. Sideline help is always appreciated as well so if you think you'de like to swing by, please do.

Thanks, Scott

- Craigs*84 - 10-21-2011


I was thinking maybe we could all meet at the  Cars and Coffee in West Chester on Saturday morning 10/29.

Ive never been , and this sounds like the perfect opportunity for all of us to get together and talk cars among cars. Smile

You can add these names to your list ...

Craig Nichols -1984 Carrera
Roger Jones - 2002 911 Turbo
Ricky Clark - 1986 Carrera

- scwaters - 10-21-2011

I'm up for that.  My car has been heavily modified for DE to include suspension and aero.

- Brian Minkin - 10-22-2011

I have an extremely modified track car. It would have to be trailerd in as it is not streeet legal. Will bringing an enclosed trailer into the Naval Base be an issue? The car is equiped with extreme aero, race suspension, enhanced brakes, engine and transmission modifications and a complete saftey system. I am also well versed in speaking about modifying cars for track use as well as factory built Porsche race cars.

- SilverCroc - 10-23-2011

Craig - Sounds good for cars and coffee at Starbucks. What time do you plan on being there?

Sunny - Great to meet you Friday night, thanks for volunteering to come down to the Yard.

Brian - Shouldn't be an issue coming in the Broad St. gate as long as you aren't driving an 18 wheeler. Wink They have a weight restriction on Broad next to the reserve basin but I'm sure you'll be fine.

Thanks - Scott

- Craigs*84 - 10-24-2011

Scott - We should be rolling in about 8am.... ish.

Dave - Are you up for some coffee Sat morning ?

Fingers crossed for decent weather .....

- NumeroUnoPA - 10-27-2011

Craig, sorry but we are headed to the mountains this weekend. I am definitely in for the 5th.

- SilverCroc - 10-27-2011

Weather forecast doesn't look too great for this Saturday. Maybe the rain will wait untill afternoon so we can still do cars and coffee. We're up to 12 for the 5th. Long range forecast is looking okay so far. Thanks to all that have volunteered to come down. Also to Porsche of the Main line for donating handouts for the kids.


- Craigs*84 - 10-27-2011

Oh well ... It looks like the weather isn't  going to cooperate on Saturday.  Sad

I think it might be a bit sloppy  to cruse out to  Cars & Coffee . So we're going to  pass on it this week. We will be down early on the 5th to get some direction.



- scwaters - 11-02-2011

What is the plan now. Are we showing up ear;ly if so what time? Also, If the weather is good I'm going to drive my car, barely legal and not very comfortable at all. How would one suggest going. I live near Pottstown in Chester County.