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2012 Autocross Schedule - Printable Version

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- arena - 02-16-2012

CarreraSupercharged wrote:
Quote:I agree with Craig and what others have said, not a big fan of the long and hot day, although I did enjoy the long and fast Phillycross.

I also second the Lancaster Vette club as well as the Blue Montain SCCA which will hold their run on the outlet parking lot,.. great place.

Jon can you elaborate on what the format will be this coming season. Are we continuing the spraed sheet and PPF format as previous years or do you have a different system such as that of the Central PCA system,...?

I was planning to run the same system as last year- but what does Central PCA use?

This year there will be both an overall champion as well as a PPF champion. I plan to publish results all over the place ;-)

- betegh9 - 02-16-2012

I am not a big fan of the SCCA either. Too many classes and too many cars........ But I am very competitive, so I need head to head competition, otherwise I get bored. I usually like to compare myself to the fastest guys no matter what class they are in.

As far as scoring and point for season AX champ...........I believe that the PPF we have is quite good, but other clubs that use it (Maverick Region's Charlie Davis who gave me this format), make small adjustments based on the finishes of similar cars. It is like the PAX system used by SCCA and modified yearly to include new car models and new technology........basically leveling the playing field.

My .02 cents.......... Nick

- CarreraSupercharged - 02-17-2012

arena wrote:
Quote:I was planning to run the same system as last year- but what does Central PCA use?

This year there will be both an overall champion as well as a PPF champion. I plan to publish results all over the place ;-)

Jon, not to be the Devil's advocate,... but why do we need 2 Champions,...?

The PPF system has worked relatively OK.

I fear that running a seperate "Champion" for Overall Timing/finish will send the wrong message, and will be open only for those with modern machine, or tricked out cars,...

My .03 cents (Canadian currency),...

- csmith74 - 02-17-2012

CarreraSupercharged wrote:
Quote:I agree with Craig and what others have said, not a big fan of the long and hot day, although I did enjoy the long and fast Phillycross.

I also second the Lancaster Vette club as well as the Blue Montain SCCA which will hold their run on the outlet parking lot,.. great place.

I was a little bummed about missing Philly; yeah I know it's a long and hot day jam-packed with little buzzing subaruzi's, but it's a great course, well worth the wait (and those of us without AC in their cars know the meaning of the word "wait" in August). But I have to agree that LCCC is a nice group and their "double AX" is definitely a faster day, so I'm okay with a switch.

Philly has a whole buncha' "solos" though, including 3 in Citizen's Bank Park, so there's no reason we can't do an off-championship day there just for fun. Two are conflicting days, 6/10 and 8/19, but if anyone wants an early start to the season there is one on 3/25. I won't be able to do 3/18 so I'll probably be going down. Anyone else?

- STEVEMCMORN - 02-17-2012

arena wrote:
Quote:We will absolutely do Planes and Porsches - I just need to get with the organizers.

You wont have to look far as YOU are the organizer!

However us old guys are happy to provide advice and direction whenever needed

- betegh9 - 02-17-2012

Quote:arena wrote:
Quote:We will absolutely do Planes and Porsches - I just need to get with the organizers.

You wont have to look far as YOU are the organizer!

However us old guys are happy to provide advice and direction whenever needed

Steve! You're an old guy? You have young children.......... You're still a baby. I, on the other hand, have GRAND children. How about showing up to some AX events this year so I can show you how to drive that, new to you, GT -3.
.......and yes, we can and should help Arena thru the ropes.

- arena - 02-18-2012

Quote:arena wrote:
Quote:We will absolutely do Planes and Porsches - I just need to get with the organizers.

You wont have to look far as YOU are the organizer!

However us old guys are happy to provide advice and direction whenever needed
The AX chair organizes the Planes and Porsches event?? This is news to me, so I'll definately need some help with that.

- arena - 02-18-2012

CarreraSupercharged wrote:
Quote:arena wrote:
Quote:I was planning to run the same system as last year- but what does Central PCA use?

This year there will be both an overall champion as well as a PPF champion. I plan to publish results all over the place ;-)

Jon, not to be the Devil's advocate,... but why do we need 2 Champions,...?

The PPF system has worked relatively OK.

I fear that running a seperate "Champion" for Overall Timing/finish will send the wrong message, and will be open only for those with modern machine, or tricked out cars,...

My .03 cents (Canadian currency),...

Thats a fair point.

The way I see it is, this is a car-club first and foremost. Part of the fun of racing is the appreciation for the cars, and the PPF system litterally takes the car out of the equation.

so I see pro's to both: The PPF Champion is the best driver, and the overall champion has the best car ;-)

- betegh9 - 02-18-2012

CarreraSupercharged wrote:
Quote:arena wrote:
Quote:I was planning to run the same system as last year- but what does Central PCA use?

This year there will be both an overall champion as well as a PPF champion. I plan to publish results all over the place ;-)

Jon, not to be the Devil's advocate,... but why do we need 2 Champions,...?

The PPF system has worked relatively

I fear that running a seperate "Champion" for Overall Timing/finish will send the wrong message, and will be open only for those with modern machine, or tricked out cars,...

My .03 cents (Canadian currency),...

Your Canadian currency does not work here. Only the copper coated tin discs with Lincoln's face on it.
Big GrinBig Grin

- arena - 02-18-2012

betegh9 wrote:
Quote:Steve! You're an old guy? You have young children.......... You're still a baby. I, on the other hand, have GRAND children. How about showing up to some AX events this year so I can show you how to drive that, new to you, GT -3.

Woooo! CoolCoolCoolCoolCool