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Summit Point Challenge - Printable Version

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Pages: 1 2

- Dan Yonker - 10-18-2011

"Stevie Mc"? Good lord McPorn, are you bored, or do you just like to hear yourself type, or what?

- STEVEMCMORN - 10-18-2011

Dan Yonker wrote:
Quote:"Stevie Mc"? Good lord McPorn, are you bored, or do you just like to hear yourself type, or what?


- betegh9 - 10-18-2011

Hey Yonker!.....You had your thrils and success.  Let Steve bask in his glory.  Miata racing is fun.

- bobt993 - 10-22-2011

Steve, One very wise racer told me the best way to dislay your victories is the time sheets and finishing position. Spec is a great way to learn how to carry more speed in the corners.

- JimWirt - 10-24-2011

Will a zoom zoom go a hundred?

- MikeKling - 10-24-2011

Why are you picking on hair dressers?  Some of my best friends are hair dressers.

No, not really.