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Who's getting a competition License - Printable Version

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- Dan Yonker - 03-03-2012

So what cars are in SRF? How many races have you done? I run a miata in SCCA and have a good time with it - not as much track time as PCA and NASA, but fun none the less. Last year in a NASA event I ran my 911 in GTS4 and also ran my miata - that was a hoot!

So Eric, PCA will recognize an SCCA license. I reckon you could e-mail Susan Shire at PCA NAtional and have a PCA license in no time. I'd give it a try......I have the most fun in PCA, but they are all fun - racin' is racin'.

- Lainey - 03-03-2012

I'm doing the Bertil Roos 5 Day school in May... Wink

- Lainey - 03-03-2012

- bobt993 - 03-03-2012


I think there are a bunch of RTR drivers who are start racing this year. Some are going with PCA, but I think the majority are through other racing orgs.

- Dan Yonker - 03-03-2012

So what can PCA, or RTR specifically, do to encourage participation in Club Racing, or is that frowned upon by the powers that be? To me it seems like the natural progression.......

- Lainey - 03-03-2012

Dan, seems there are different Porsche series, like ITC - where lots of friends are running Spec Caymans (Bodymotion, TPC Racing). If one was going to get into Club Racing over ITC, what's the difference? Of course there's the other situation where Porsche owners race Z06s in SCCA? It's less expensive is what I hear....

- Brian Minkin - 03-03-2012

A comp license is on my radar this season.  Just need to work a few more bugs out of the car and I hope VIR will be the charm.  This month I addressed the fuel cell leak, oil leak, new rear axle, some paint for the rear fenders and taillights. Hopefully this is the end of issues. 

- Lainey - 03-05-2012

Where'd everyone go? *crickets sound*

- STEVEMCMORN - 03-05-2012

All of the cool kids went to race school!!!

- emayer - 03-06-2012

Dan Yonker wrote:
Quote:So what cars are in SRF? How many races have you done? I run a miata in SCCA and have a good time with it - not as much track time as PCA and NASA, but fun none the less. Last year in a NASA event I ran my 911 in GTS4 and also ran my miata - that was a hoot!

So Eric, PCA will recognize an SCCA license. I reckon you could e-mail Susan Shire at PCA NAtional and have a PCA license in no time. I'd give it a try......I have the most fun in PCA, but they are all fun - racin' is racin'.
Lainey: I just got back from Colorado, awesome time now that powder arrived... My daughter broke her leg though. Good news is that she can't wait to get back! Tough cookie.

Dan: I've been running SRF which is the Spec Racer Ford class (closed wheel open cockpit design). Probably second to spec miata in popularity. It runs me no more than 3k for a 3 day race weekend rental all inclusive. Nice for someone starting out as I need only to focus on driving.

You've got to be an awfully busy guy to wrench and compete in 2 classes during the same weekend. Hats off to you dude! Big Grin

What PCA racing events do you participate in? I'm interested, but in reality a bit hesitant of throwing the RS into the fray (yet).

For those attending the Bertil Roos school: Excellent choice! Money well spent.