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Great Season everyone! - Printable Version

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- Craigs*84 - 10-16-2012

I will be attending the meeting ..

I allso say  annouce at the meeting and post right after.. Cool          

It's cool how our Autocross family get's bigger, better and more fun .

Thank's for A Great Season !! Smile

- betegh9 - 10-16-2012

No can do Wednesday, too much work, and need to get ready for Summit Point.

Post results whenever......... Are you going to have an AX talk at the monthly meeting?  Now that's a way to recruit more members.  We should to a video of an AX run and show at the meeting.

- arena - 10-17-2012

V, Nick, Stephane - c'mon guys, not only do I want you there for the announcement, but we need to give the DE guys a run for their money in the Karts!

- Vytenis - 10-17-2012

Would if I could. 

Nice new facility.  Make sure you let them know you've run before so they turn up the juice.


- CarreraSupercharged - 10-17-2012

I'm in Gettysburg tomorrow for work.

Can't make it.

- trevornaidoo - 10-18-2012

So, Who is the 2012 AutoX Champion?

- Vytenis - 10-18-2012

The natives are restless...

We could use Jonathan's new SCCA car classification as blackmail to hasten the scores posting.
