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Fling Spring Drive on Memorial Day Weekend - Printable Version

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- Wellardmac - 05-17-2007

The drive is on! Hope to see you there!

- Wellardmac - 05-20-2007

Well, I did a dry-run of the drive today and I can say that this run has a different character than the last one.

The last run was fast and curvy. Although this run is the same route in reverse I can say that it has more of a curvy hill-climb sections.

The hills and the fact that the foliage is now out on the trees make for a pretty drive, but it will have a different pace to the last run.

- Wellardmac - 05-24-2007

Okay, last minute pointers:

i) Arrive with a full tank of gas. There is a gas station in Lambertville, but I don't know if it's open early, so you should fill up somewhere on the home stretch close to Lambertville.
ii) Use the rest rooms at the gas station in Lambertville - there are gas stations along the way, but we would hate to lose you. We will have a rest stop about two thirds of the way into the drive.
iii) If you have 2 way radios, bring them, as we'll have them and can all tune into the same channel.
iv) Arriving early is good.
v) Bring a camera and take lots of photos.
vi) If you have a map that covers upper bucks county, PA, then it will not hurt to bring it. The directions we've pulled together (I think) are pretty good, but on the off-chance that you get separated it will be good to have members of the group with maps.
vii) Have fun, but be careful with your speed until we get out of Lamberville. It is a 25 mph zone until we get out of town and the police do sit there with radar - don't worry, we'll be out of town in a few minutes and I'd hate for us to get a police escort up to the NJ border.

As for passing opportunities - pass where it's legal and safe. The route has plenty of passing opportunities.

- Brian Minkin - 05-24-2007

Sorry to say I have to attend a wedding Sat.  I will miss this again.Sad

- Wellardmac - 05-24-2007

Oh no! Oh well. I figured I'd lose some people on the holiday weekend. I'm hoping to write another drive for July 29th.... gotta get my act together on that pretty soon.

- Wellardmac - 05-26-2007

A nice drive - it was good to see you all again. The weather was awesome and the drive pretty.

I'll post photos once I get them off of my camera.

PM me if you have photos that you're willing to share and I'll post them to my website again for all to see.

...now we start planning for the drive in July. Smile