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tire pressure and understeer/oversteer - Printable Version

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- malammik - 04-16-2007

I agree. I can definitely feel that the software cuts the power to the engine if breaking is engaged at the time as throttle. However I tried the same just on the road with PSM off and it seemed as if there were no difference - software still cuts the power. I will have to try it again with PSM off to know for sure.

Hey Elizabeth. Thanks for helping me out yesterday. I was freezing cold/wet after workign the first heat. Realized I need letters in addition to my numbers and all of a sudden this friendly/smiling person offers me coffee amids all the hostile elements. If I were one degree colder/wetter, I would probably just start cyring. Thanks.

- JimWirt - 04-16-2007

Hand brake would probably cause snap oversteer. Better have the depends on!

- Darren - 04-16-2007

elizabeth26 wrote:
Quote:Left foot braking and PSM don't mix (IIRC even with PSM turned off ) sorry.... I think the handbrake would do it though...
Yup, that is true. Even though PSM is off, it's still sort of on. As soon as you engage the brake it comes back on, and if the brake is on, it cuts the throttle.

- TwentySix - 04-16-2007

malammik wrote:
Quote:Hey Elizabeth. Thanks for helping me out yesterday. I was freezing cold/wet after working the first heat. Realized I need letters in addition to my numbers and all of a sudden this friendly/smiling person offers me coffee amids all the hostile elements. If I were one degree colder/wetter, I would probably just start cyring. Thanks.

Smile Glad to help... amazing what a hot coffee can do on a dismal day Wink

I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the school, hope to see you out there again soon. Here's a general chart about handling and suspension from the PCA main web site:


This is a tutorial of sorts on autocrossing:


- bobt993 - 04-16-2007

Darren,  I drove another person's 996 at Pocono South last year with PSM and I could get the car to oversteer.  Even left foot braking through hair pin and entry off the bowl.   The key is the throttle overlap had to be very brief.  Car would pitch just right off the bowl.  Hairpin, everyone could use more turn in, but still did not plow.   I think you have too much tire up front with 265's from your prior setup.  MPSC's just don't get hot enough with that much rubber up front.  You need 160 deg of tire temp for real grip with MPSC's.  Maybe with your new suspension addtions you  will get the added heat. I guess we will find out next weekend. Smile

- Darren - 04-16-2007

bobt993 wrote:
Quote:Darren, I drove another person's 996 at Pocono South last year with PSM and I could get the car to oversteer. Even left foot braking through hair pin and entry off the bowl. The key is the throttle overlap had to be very brief. Car would pitch just right off the bowl. Hairpin, everyone could use more turn in, but still did not plow. I think you have too much tire up front with 265's from your prior setup. MPSC's just don't get hot enough with that much rubber up front. You need 160 deg of tire temp for real grip with MPSC's. Maybe with your new suspension addtions you will get the added heat. I guess we will find out next weekend. Smile
It may be too much tire, have to experiment though Smile Hopefully I get it back together in time for Shenandoah. The problem I'm running into is the amount of lateral load transfer with the springs that I have. The extra grip is great, but I don't have the right suspension to make use of it. The tires end up rubbing (at the top) and I don't think I can stop it without bigger springs.