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Changes at the Glen - Printable Version

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- Phokaioglaukos - 05-04-2007

Today was my first day with Trackmasters and my first day of open track. From 8:30 to Noon and from 1:00 to 4:30 you go out when you want for as long as you want. Trackmasters did give me a check ride before trusting me with this grop. I managed to burn 1-1/2 tanks of gas today. There were a couple of things that were different about the day. The weather was gorgeous, brilliant sun and cool temperatures in the high 60s. Just wonderful. Entering and leaving a hot track was new for me--warming up and cooling off while others are at full speed was a treat. There are also lots of fast cars and drivers, including some 996 cup cars, 997 GTs, race trucks (fastest F-150s I've ever seen) and a variety of single-seat Radical-like cars. I gave lots of point bys. Everyone here, even the slower drivers, seems to be an instructor. There is really something to be said for the excellent experience and training I've received with RTR. It shows in my driving, and I sure need some more, so thanks to all the instructors who have driven with me.

Back to the subject of this thread, though. T1 is smooth and all-black asphalt. It's probably my imagination, but the turn feels stickier and I have less need to apex over the surface-level rumble strips that I used to use. It's probably just that I'm slower. T5 (outer loop) is a vast expanse of feature-less asphalt. No concrete patch to guide one to the apex. That said, if I load the car properly and hold a constant radius the apex just appears. Magic. I took some video and will take more this weekend. Maybe I can edit it so I look better than I was and share it with you all. T5 also got low, FIA-curbing. Last year I tagged the curb (too tight at the apex) once. Now that would not be a problem. All in all, the Glen is still here (no Glen Club, though) and it's wonderful. Great flagging staff. A real pleasure to be here.

(Many full course black flags, though, but nothing serious.)

- Tony356993 - 05-04-2007

Thanks Chris - I envy you guys. I'm pushing pills this w/e. More stick in turn 1! Now I can carry more speed into turn 2 and still chicken out and lift or brake a tad before entering the esses. Confusedhock:

- bobt993 - 05-04-2007

Tony, don't lift or brake.  Short shift to the next gear and put your foot into it.  Keep doing this every lap, but rev the engine slightly higher before the short shift.  Before you know it, you will be flying up the essess.  Wink

- Tony356993 - 05-04-2007

Quote:Tony, don't lift or brake.

I'm getting closer to the "no lift". I do still lift a little to let my brain know that I still have some sanity before the pedal goes all the way down again. Incremental speed increases - to satisfy my slow learning curve. Big Grin