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Alpine Motorsports Club? - Printable Version

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- Lainey - 07-14-2012

Steve is going up there tomorrow with Joe Aquilante from Phoenix. I guess we will see what they have to say when they return!!

- emayer - 07-14-2012

Hope they return with good news!

Last I heard, all the approvals have been (finally) granted for construction but they are coming up short on financing.

- Phokaioglaukos - 07-17-2012

Lainey wrote:
Quote:Steve is going up there tomorrow with Joe Aquilante from Phoenix. I guess we will see what they have to say when they return!!
What's the word?

- Lainey - 07-17-2012

Impressive layout... We went on a 4x4 drive around the proposed track (up/down the mountain) and if it looks in reality anything like the concept model it will be awesome to drive. They have funding, all legal issues ate resolved - they say they will begin construction in September. What I liked was their "customer centric" approach, meaning it's more a drivers track, not a race-track (no competition races allowed). Think a less expensive Monticello Motor Club. I question the infrastructure in the area (hotels, restaurants) but then I'm not familiar w PA as much as NJ. I did hear that RTR is first on the list of all the car clubs for dibs in event weekends. That's good news. There are sound abatement rules, however that seemed a bit nebulous when we asked. They have sound barriers proposed (think like walls on the PA Tpk) but supposedly less of an eyesore. For us, it may be a problem since we are running straight headers (Z06). Long way to go until we have to worry about that. Needs to be built first. Pretty cool though!

- Phokaioglaukos - 07-17-2012

Thanks for the update. No races? That's too bad! Maybe club races would be ok at some point.

- ccm911 - 07-17-2012

As long as Liberty Bell is built and comes through with motorcycle racing, I'll be happy. Smile

This Alpine thing has been so dragged out for so long, that it no longer is interesting.

At least Lainey had a nice field trip.

- emayer - 07-17-2012

Given the location, I really hope this eventually gets built but at this point I have no expectations.  The configuration seems really interesting, with way more elevation changes as compared to NJMP.

RTR folks can stay at my house until hotels are done!  Smile 

Much like Summit Point there are several hotels located a few miles out...

- CarreraS - 07-17-2012

Eric, you could label the rooms with brass plaques: "The Landstra Suite", "The Big Dave Felker Suite", etc.  Tongue

Lainey, those noise restrictions will cause you, Steve, Jon & Kirsten Myers, etc. to switch to Aquilante-built Subarus. 

I'm just happy my car is nice and quiet.  Cool

- emayer - 07-17-2012

Great idea Dave!

It'll be the RTR B&B...

My neighbors will love hoards of trailers on the front lawn.  Maybe a Vette or two on blocks for added effect!

Looks like I'll be campaigning a Prius next season.  Wonder where one can source a harness and some slicks.  :dude:


- Lainey - 07-17-2012

Not sure about that....