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Bucks County Covered Bridge Tour: Saturday July 28th (NOW WITH PHOTOS!!) - Printable Version

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- Wellardmac - 07-14-2007

Well, we did the final run-through on the route today and everything looks good - 80 miles, 7 covered bridges, several state parks and a good mix of challenging roads!

- Wellardmac - 07-21-2007

Bump! Hope to see you next Saturday!

Smile [Image: jumper.gif][Image: jumper.gif][Image: jumper.gif]

A quick reminder...

i) Arrive with a full tank of gas. There is a gas station in Lambertville, but I don't know if it's open early, so you should fill up somewhere on the home stretch close to Lambertville. Remember to empty your bladder at the same time!
ii) If you have 2 way radios, bring them, as we'll have them and can all tune into the same channel.
iii) Arriving early is good. Looks like we'll have a good turnout, so getting there early gives you time to stand around talking with others and admiring the cars. I aim to be there nice and early.
iv) bring a camera and take lots of photos. I think I'll also be rigging my camcorder into the car to enjoy the ride.
v) If you have a map that covers upper bucks county, PA, then it will not hurt to bring it. The directions we've pulled together (I think) are pretty good, but on the off-chance that you get separated it will be good to have members of the group with maps.
vii) The route is designed with fast stretches, as well as slower (curvy) fun stretches. These speed differences will naturally spread out the group and allow you space to have fun. The run can be done without a navigator if you stay close to a car with a navigator, but it's best to have someone in the car directing, as I'd hate to see anyone get lost.
viii) Please come and find me when you arrive and sign in. This will get you a copy of the route and I'll have you sign a waiver.

Should be a fun day, a good turnout, and plenty of photo ops.

- Wellardmac - 07-21-2007

caynkaren wrote:
Quote:As of now my husband and I are planning to attend this event. Maybe we'll be the first Cayenne to do a drive with the club...

You'll not be the only Cayenne. I got word that at least one other will be joining us.

In fact, I think this drive will probably have more diversity of Porsches than previous drives - we'll see.

- Wellardmac - 07-21-2007

I have a favor to ask.

In case we have a large number of people show up for this run I'd like to have a back-up group leader.

In the event that we have more than 35 cars show up, I would split the group into two and stagger the two groups on the same run, but have them separated by 5-10 minutes.

We would need some who has a navigator to run the second group and would not mind stepping in at the last minute if we need you. I can send you the route in advance so that you can get a feel for it ahead of time.

PM me if you're interested in helping out.


- M491 - 07-22-2007

If you are meeting at 7:15...we stopping somewhere for breakfast along

the way?  Big Grin


Donna B.

- Wellardmac - 07-22-2007

I hadn't planned on it, but I'm open to the possibility. I was disappoined to see that the coffee shop on Bridge Street doesn't open until 8am.

The snag for me is that I'm in the parking lot from 7am and have to ensure that I get everyone out the door by 6:30am in order to be sure that we get to Lambertville on time.

I don't recall if there's anything along 202 that's open at that time, but if you know of anything, then I could always use a 6am donut. Smile

- Wellardmac - 07-24-2007

Any volunteers for backup group leader in case we need one?

PM me if you'd like to volunteer

The route in now done - whoo-hoo! Glad to have that all written up.

Wellardmac wrote:
Quote:I have a favor to ask.

In case we have a large number of people show up for this run I'd like to have a back-up group leader.

In the event that we have more than 35 cars show up, I would split the group into two and stagger the two groups on the same run, but have them separated by 5-10 minutes.

We would need some who has a navigator to run the second group and would not mind stepping in at the last minute if we need you. I can send you the route in advance so that you can get a feel for it ahead of time.

PM me if you're interested in helping out.


- caynkaren - 07-24-2007

Just wondering about a few logistics:

1) assuming we have some breakfast prior to the start - will there be a stop for lunch along the way?

2) pit stop - for normal fluid exchages... are there places along the way?  I'm sure if there are 35 cars +/- this could be a problem.  However, since this will be my first tour, I don't know if we can just stop somewhere, or if we stay in the group?




- Wellardmac - 07-24-2007

The drive is a little under 80 miles. We will be stopping at the half way point for a rest stop. You are also welcome to stop along the way and catch up with us later on the route. The drive should take us around 2.5 hours, plus whatever time we spend at the half way point - again it's a rest-stop, but also a social stop for chatting and photos.

Feel free to grab breakfast on the way in. We'll be hanging around socializing and admiring cars up until departure - perfect time to grab a bite to eat.

As for lunch. We typically are at the end point a little before 11am. Previously we have not included a group lunch, due to the problems associated with predicting the number of attendees and then finding a place that can handle that number of people/cars at short notice. That being said, this time we are considering lunch options and hopefully we'll have some ideas lined up by Saturday. Where there's a will there's a way. Smile

Look forward to seeing you on Saturday.

caynkaren wrote:
Quote:Just wondering about a few logistics:

1) assuming we have some breakfast prior to the start - will there be a stop for lunch along the way?

2) pit stop - for normal fluid exchages... are there places along the way? I'm sure if there are 35 cars +/- this could be a problem. However, since this will be my first tour, I don't know if we can just stop somewhere, or if we stay in the group?



- Wellardmac - 07-24-2007

Okay - as I said in a previous post, we don't typically organize a lunch stop at the end of the tour, due to the unpredictability of the number of attendees, but we have had a kind invitation from a couple of members who are willing to host us at their house.

If there is an interest we can make this happen. Please let me know ASAP (PM or email) to give us an idea on whether we should do this.

There's the option for pool time if you want to bring along your swimwear. Smile