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Pocono's Sunday afternoon open track--awesome! - Printable Version

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- Marty Kocse - 09-27-2006

That last session on Sunday was by far the most fun I've had on any track.  With so many different levels of drivers/cars out there, it almost made it feel like a Grand Am DE event.  I hope we'll have a similar chance at the season ending Summit event in November.  Thanks for allowing us to all go out together.  We played nice and kept it safe.  It turned a foggy, rainy weekend into one of the best times I've ever had.  Simply put, AWESOME!

- smankow - 09-28-2006

Marty is also happy that the corner workers didn't see his AX ribbon hanging from his rear view mirror like a fuzzy dice.  Big Grin



- Marty Kocse - 09-28-2006

smankow wrote:
Quote:Marty is also happy that the corner workers didn't see his AX ribbon hanging from his rear view mirror like a fuzzy dice. Big Grin

Don't hate... Auto-X is just another way for me to excercise my unmatched use of car control - jk. Spank you very much.

- jakp993 - 09-28-2006

Sounds like you folks had a blast.  I'm envious! 

I would have hung around, but I had to leave early so I could catch a plane in the afternoon for a business trip.  I would have enjoyed open track much more than sitting in the Philly airport.
