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Financial Shakeup this weekend - Printable Version

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- AMoore - 04-03-2008

catchacab wrote:
Quote:So according to Aaron and Nick, we can blame a Republican Congress that served under a Democratic President, and a Republican President that served with a Democratic Congress for this country's ills. So basically you are saying that Democrats are ineffective.

A bit oversimplified . . .

I don't buy into the premise that the problems began under Reagan. I believe that under the Clinton administration things progressed substantially, despite a Republican congress, e.g. balanced budget, welfare reform, cool president that recognized his right to get a piece of tail if he wanted one, etc.

The George W. Bush administration has been awful, politically, and economically.

- AMoore - 04-03-2008

emayer wrote:

All I know is that Congress was handed to the Democrats on a silver platter and we have an unpopular President, yet nothing has changed. Heck, at this rate they will lose the Presidential election in what should be a freebie.

Remember, the Dems have had only a slight majority in congress for a very limited time. Many of the newly elected Democrats are very conservative not unlike the Dixiecrates of the 60s, e.g. Heath Shuler.

- emayer - 04-03-2008

AMoore wrote:
Quote:emayer wrote:

All I know is that Congress was handed to the Democrats on a silver platter and we have an unpopular President, yet nothing has changed. Heck, at this rate they will lose the Presidential election in what should be a freebie.

Remember, the Dems have had only a slight majority in congress for a very limited time. Many of the newly elected Democrats are very conservative not unlike the Dixiecrates of the 60s, e.g. Heath Shuler.

soooo.... the democrats in Congress now aren't really democrats? Big Grin

- ccm911 - 04-03-2008

Actually, combine the slim margin of Democrats over Republicans in Congres, and then throw in Bush the Idiot threatening to VETO everything.......

I don't like to engage in "party versus party" name calling, but it is clear that the Republicans are out only for the advancement of other rich republicans.  Not to mention their being in bed with the religious right.  Overall, a very dangerous combination as far as Amerika's future is concerned.

- nplenzick - 04-03-2008

ccm911 wrote:
Quote:Actually, combine the slim margin of Democrats over Republicans in Congres, and then throw in Bush the Idiot threatening to VETO everything.......

I don't like to engage in "party versus party" name calling, but it is clear that the Republicans are out only for the advancement of other rich republicans. Not to mention their being in bed with the religious right. Overall, a very dangerous combination as far as Amerika's future is concerned.

Couldn't have said it better Chris!

- catchacab - 04-03-2008

ccm911 wrote:
Quote:Republicans are out only for the advancement of other rich republicans. Not to mention their being in bed with the religious right. Overall, a very dangerous combination as far as Amerika's future is concerned.
The religious right, only sleep with their wife.Tongue

- dmano - 04-03-2008

It's funny listening to you guys talk back and forth.

I will say it again, this will sum it all up.


they are only in it for the money "NOT FOR THE GOOD OF US"

- nplenzick - 04-03-2008

catchacab wrote:
Quote:ccm911 wrote:
Quote:Republicans are out only for the advancement of other rich republicans. Not to mention their being in bed with the religious right. Overall, a very dangerous combination as far as Amerika's future is concerned.
The religious right, only sleep with their wife.Tongue
And for some it my be the same sexTongue

- AMoore - 04-04-2008

dmano wrote:
Quote:It's funny listening to you guys talk back and forth.

I will say it again, this will sum it all up.


they are only in it for the money "NOT FOR THE GOOD OF US"
Actually, most do it for the power, not the money. Most would make substantially more money in the private sector.

- ccm911 - 04-04-2008

This just in from CNN this morning:

Still, the approval rating of President Bush did not change since last summer, with 28 percent of respondents saying they approved of the job he was doing.

This just in from Chris:

One in four Americans are just flat out delusional, and should seek therapy immediately.  Voting rights for 28% of the American public will be suspended as of right now.  Sources tell me that a search is on for Pol Pot, or a reasonable facscimile, in order to assist with the development of State Mandated "Re-Education Camps".