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The "would you rather..." game - Printable Version

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- Graham - 10-03-2007

Top Gear


15 fingers


3 tongues?

- catchacab - 10-03-2007

Three tongues

Having fun in your:

Driver's suit


Birthday suit

- APXD 30 - 10-04-2007

Tough one....I'm going with driving suit as I usually have less opportunity for track days/year.

Wash your car even if rain is forecasted


Drive a dirty car

- Mike Andrews - 10-05-2007

Wash it.... Heck, I wash my car in the rain.  It cracks my neighbors up.  The only time I won’t wash my car is if it’s below freezing.




Would you rather stay up to 2:00 this Saturday




Watch the race tape delayed at 4:30 on Sunday?


- APXD 30 - 10-10-2007

I'd like to be committed enough to watch at from 2-4am.  So that's my response.  The reality is that I taped (DVRed) it. 


Stick with "taped" (retro)


Adapt to "burned"(totally different retro connotation)

- catchacab - 10-14-2007

It will always be taped for me.


The only one wearing clothes amongst naked people


Being naked amongst clothed people

- Graham - 10-17-2007



Would you rather...

have a rare disorder that allows you to dispose of bodily waste only in pool table pockets


ever so slowly morph into Bob Barker as you age?

- AMoore - 10-17-2007

Barker, I wouldn't want to ruin a nice pool table.

Go into serious, dangerous debt to buy a great track car (400-500 horses and great handling)


Drive a car that is paid for and reliable (180 - 220 horses and avg handling)

- Graham - 10-17-2007

"Reliable paid for" car   (doing it right now)

Remember, we aren't winning any races in DE, but we are having a lot of fun!


Would you rather

have the ability to talk clearly while dentists are working on your teeth


have persmission to talk dirty?

- catchacab - 10-17-2007

Permission to talk dirty.   (Not to Graham though)

See Graham "nekkid"


Never see an attractive member of the opposite sex "nekkid"  (fully or partially) again.  This includes movies, books, magazines, videos, internet, and in person.


This is a difficult one but at least I have my memoriesTongue