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Red Flags Incident at The Glen - Printable Version

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- George3 - 08-07-2008

JoeP wrote:
Quote:Tom's response was measured, and far from public humilitation. I've seen worse repercussions on the golf course when someone's drive didn't make it past the women's tee.

+1 ^

Tom was very diplomatic in his approach to single out those two individuals.
His intent was for them to learn a lesson. I think it was handled very well. IMHO.

- KennyB - 08-07-2008

I agree with George.  Tom handled it just right.  I don't think those guys need to feel humliated, but I trust they won't blow past reds anymore.  I hope the lesson was learned.

When on the track, we are all dependent on the other drivers for our own safety.  Nothing to take lightly.

- Darren - 08-07-2008

I talked to the one guy and he was absolutely humiliated.

- bobt993 - 08-07-2008

I got a good look at the drivers as they went past me in essess while I was parked in a student's car.   It was as if we were in a traffic jam and decided to use the emergency lane to make the next exit.  Confusedhock:  There were parts everywhere, I am surprised they did not cut a tire.  

Second time the lights were flashing up the essess the car behind me did not see them and had to pass me to avoid a tail ender.   I may start bringing a Yugo to the Glen as a throw-away track car. :?

- ccm911 - 08-08-2008

bobt993 wrote:
Quote: I may start bringing a Yugo to the Glen as a throw-away track car. :?
Now Bob, do you really think you are man enough to handle the massive power output of the fearsome Yugo?Big Grin

- fasthonda - 08-08-2008

bob, i'll help you set up the Yugo......  it'll be fast.....  Smile


PS   on a more serious note, i can't reinforce to students enough how important looking up and ahead really is when doing on-track stuff...  racing has 'trained' my eyes and brain to notice what is going on, waaaaay down the track.  as darren mentioned, sometimes you need to see it before it almost happens, and many times before the flag is thrown.  last weekend, i think i noticed every flashing light, or flag, or 'wierd move' before my students did;  i always point out this info the minute i see it, and then explain and reinforce again how important it is to sense and see these types of things as soon as possible.  it is part of learning to be a good track driver.  someday, this skill will save you and/or your car from damage.

- Phokaioglaukos - 08-08-2008

I confess that it would not have occurred to me to handle this as Tom did, but I have NO problem with what he did. Giving the guys advance notice that he was going to ask them to come up (which I heard he did) very much softened the effect, in my view.

This is a very serious matter. I hope everyone who hears of it learned something useful.

- George3 - 08-08-2008

Quote:bobt993 wrote:
Quote: I may start bringing a Yugo to the Glen as a throw-away track car. :?

Yes, Bob. . . . I agree.

I think you would make an excellent Yugo driver.

- ccm911 - 08-08-2008

Keep in mind guys, this trip best described as a "fools game".  Many men have been beaten down in the past trying to contain the fury of the beast known simply as "Yugo". Big Grin

- jmr3 - 08-08-2008

Chris -- It sounds like you have first hand knowledge.  Was your Le Car thrashed by a Yugo?