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Election info Please Read - Printable Version

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- dmano - 10-10-2008

Here is number 6 and 7 for you.  Keep drinking his cool-aid.



- dmano - 10-10-2008

Racism is treating people differently and invidiously on the basis of race. Had any white presidential candidate had a close 20-year association with a white preacher overtly spreading race hatred from the pulpit, that candidate would have been not just universally denounced and deemed unfit for office but written out of polite society entirely.

So why has this not happened to Obama?

- dmano - 10-10-2008

Obama's political career was launched with Ayers giving him a fundraiser in his living room. If a Republican candidate had launched his political career at the home of an abortion-clinic bomber -- even a repentant one -- he would not have been able to run for dogcatcher in Podunk. And Ayers shows no remorse. His only regret is that he "didn't do enough."

Why are these associations important? Do I think Obama is as corrupt as Rezko? Or shares Wright's angry racism or Ayers' unreconstructed 1960s radicalism?

No. But that does not make these associations irrelevant. They tell us two important things about Obama.

First, his cynicism and ruthlessness. He found these men useful, and use them he did. Would you attend a church whose pastor was spreading racial animosity from the pulpit? Would you even shake hands with -- let alone serve on two boards with -- an unrepentant terrorist, whether he bombed U.S. military installations or abortion clinics?

Most Americans would not, on the grounds of sheer indecency. Yet Obama did, if not out of conviction then out of expediency. He was a young man on the make, an unknown outsider working his way into Chicago politics. He played the game with everyone, without qualms and with obvious success.

Obama is not the first politician to rise through a corrupt political machine. But he is one of the rare few to then have the audacity to present himself as a transcendent healer, hovering above and bringing redemption to the "old politics" -- of the kind he had enthusiastically embraced in Chicago in the service of his own ambition.

Second, and even more disturbing than the cynicism, is the window these associations give on Obama's core beliefs. He doesn't share Rev. Wright's poisonous views of race nor Ayers' views, past and present, about the evil that is American society. But Obama clearly did not consider these views beyond the pale. For many years he swam easily and without protest in that fetid pond.

Until now. Today, on the threshold of the presidency, Obama concedes the odiousness of these associations, which is why he has severed them. But for the years in which he sat in Wright's pews and shared common purpose on boards with Ayers, Obama considered them a legitimate, indeed unremarkable, part of social discourse.

Do you? Obama is a man of first-class intellect and first-class temperament. But his character remains highly suspect. There is a difference between temperament and character. Equanimity is a virtue. Tolerance of the obscene is not.

- dmano - 10-10-2008

Senator Barack Obama, Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Hillary Clinton and Ruth Harkin stand during the national anthem.
Barack Hussein Obama's said he REFUSED TO NOT ONLY PUT HIS HAND ON HIS HEART DURING THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, BUT REFUSED TO SAY THE PLEDGE..... how in the world can a man like this expect to be our next Commander-in-Chief, who does not believe in our nations flag. How can the American people be so blinded by this man's WORDS?

- dmano - 10-10-2008

bobt993 wrote:
Quote:Dave, I am having a hard time understanding your definition of a minority so please clarify. Biden has accepted the role of VP, what exactly are you suggesting?
You know, the word is IMPEACHMENT after he totally screws us. If he gets elected.

- catchacab - 10-10-2008

AMoore wrote:
Quote:dmano wrote:
As far as scholarships for minority groups there should be no such thing. Did I not deserve a scholarship, I did not get one because I am white.


All one has to do is read your posts and they will see why you never got a scholarship!

Maybe, if David, was awarded a scholarship, and had the opportunity to attend an excellent University, he would have different views or would currently be running for elected office.

Many of us who were raised with out the benefits of be raised in a household with an educated parent, or with out the benefits of our families being in social circles that could provide us with examples of who we can become; luck, good and bad decisions helped to shape us and determine where we are today.

Back when I was in high school, I worked at Pathmark as a stock clerk. I had received my acceptance to NYU. I made a decision that if I was to be granted a full time position at Pathmark, by the time I was supposed to attend NYU, I was going to give up my place at NYU and make my career at Pathmark, with the plan that by the time I was 25 I would be in a management position making $50K (1986 dollars). Lucky for me, they did not offer me a full time position. The most successful adults I knew when I was growing up, were able to afford a new TransAm every three years (financed of course0.

It was the people that I met while in college that helped me to develop into the person that I am today (politically, professionally, and socially). Had I known these same people and their parents when I was in high school, I may have chosen a different career path.

Those who grow up in neighborhoods and in social circle where the adults are educated and successful do have an advantage over those who do not. We are products of our environment.

- dmano - 10-10-2008

Who turned this on me. This is not about me and I don't want it to be. I am trying to let all you Obama supporters out there see the real person you are going to vote for. You all are so blind it makes me laugh. Read all the information on the web. Then make your decision. I don't like McCane either but at least he has not lied about his background and his associations with some very bad people. It is really all about ones character and history and how you got there. Lies and decite are not what we need right now.

- dmano - 10-10-2008

nplenzick wrote:
Quote:Hmmm, it looks like five "I hate Obama" threads so far started by Joe six pack. I think he's doing more for the Obama campaign then Obama himself. Keep them coming it's fascinating the depths of your intelligence.

Joe six pack I wish I had a six pack "abs that is" I take offense to that remark as I don't drink. Are you implying I am a red neck because I drive a Mustang and not a Porsche?

- nplenzick - 10-11-2008

dmano wrote:
Quote:nplenzick wrote:
Quote:Hmmm, it looks like five "I hate Obama" threads so far started by Joe six pack. I think he's doing more for the Obama campaign then Obama himself. Keep them coming it's fascinating the depths of your intelligence.

Joe six pack I wish I had a six pack "abs that is" I take offense to that remark as I don't drink. Are you implying I am a red neck because I drive a Mustang and not a Porsche?
Have you contacted the McCain/Palin campaign, they really could use someone like yourself. If I were you I would start writing all the local newspapers and don't forget that left wing paper the Philadelphia Inquire. Why just keep this important information here for RTR members? Go to the mountain top my friend and shout it out! Make people aware! Get personaly involved with the McCain/Palin organzation. LET THE WORLD KNOW WHAT YOU KNOW! YOU OWE IT TO OUR COUNTRY!

- George3 - 10-12-2008

dmano wrote:
Quote:My name is David
My name is "EARL"