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Bert Roos Driving School - Printable Version

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- George3 - 07-28-2009

... and more predictable than some of the other cars, too !! Smile

- michael lang - 07-28-2009

Brian's right, Lainey, no matter which track you go to you will be hooked. My first track was Jefferson Circuit of all tracks and I like it but my favorite is Shenandoah. As far as RTR instructors are concerned, I have yet to ask the chief instructor to switch me with a different instructor. They are all very very good. If you want to get your feet wet before your first DE, try doing an autocross or two. They are very cheap, they only last a few hours, but most importantly they will give you a basis for understanding how car control works.


- Lainey - 07-28-2009

Hey Brian,
Well I just signed up for the Jersey Shore PCA DE on August 27th + 28th - then doing Bert Roos on September 1st. I think I'm in BIG TROUBLE....

Question (sorry guys, newbie here) what about track insurance? Trying to think positive but....


- Lainey - 07-28-2009

Mike, love that picture! how cute!!

- Graham - 07-28-2009


I am flattered but really, all the instructors in this club are A#1. 

Track Insurance...PCA now offers a program...you can find it on their web site http://www.pca.org or follow this link to go directly to the HPDE insurance program....


I just signed up for my own policy for the Glen and it was easy, simple and could all be done online.  Have your VIN ready.

Take care, ee you around the track or at our next monthly meeting!


- Lainey - 07-28-2009

Hey George, ........its possible..... I'm thinking it over!!Cool

- Lainey - 07-28-2009

Graham - if I went up to the Glen (to be a sponge) how would I find the RTR folks? Is that a dumb question?

Many thanks for the track insurance tip. Will check it out.

Also, do I need to replace my brake pads - medium torque track pads? and/or change the brake fluid to ATE or SRF?

As you can see I'm still learning!

- George3 - 07-28-2009

Lainey wrote:
Quote:Graham - if I went up to the Glen (to be a sponge) how would I find the RTR folks? Is that a dumb question?

Many thanks for the track insurance tip. Will check it out.

Also, do I need to replace my brake pads - medium torque track pads? and/or change the brake fluid to ATE or SRF?

As you can see I'm still learning!

Since this is a Riesentoter event, most of the folks attending will be RTR folk. So, you'll have no trouble finding us all and putting the screen names with the faces. Except Graham already has his picture posted. Most of our cars are pictured and just follow along the paddock and garage to find us.

If you come to drive, I'm sure they can find you an Instructor. If you come to watch you'll want to be on the track having fun with everyone else. Watkins Glen is a world class track by racing standards and it's a privilege to be able to drive it.

- Brian Minkin - 07-28-2009

Taste Of The Track program is also an option for WG.  Its on the schedule.

- George3 - 07-28-2009


I have given Taste of the Track rides and all have been very happy customers!!!