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- betegh9 - 06-21-2010

emayer wrote:
Quote:Interesting array of cars! If you had to choose one you regret selling, which would it be? For me it would be the Mercedes G500.

Sorry I missed you at Lightning. I did see you on track though- nice! I'll make it a point to seek you out at Watkins if you are going. In the meantime, below is the family portrait... Big Grin
Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin......... which one are you?

- betegh9 - 06-21-2010

Lainey wrote:
Quote:Nick, you are so wierd sometimes!!

Geeez Lainey, thanks for the compliment. Everyone is wierd one way or another. Norm does not exist any more!Big Grin:dude:

But looks like we are getting a lot of people involved here. I like that!!

As far as first rides, I bought my first car when I was just 15 with no license, it was a Ford Model A pick up truck. I drove the thing till I graduated from high school, and did all the repair work on it myself. After that, I had a string of various VW bugs and busses, one in particular was a "68 pick up where the sides as well as the rear tailgate folded down to be able to load from any side....... great convenience.

- emayer - 06-21-2010

betegh9 wrote:
Quote:emayer wrote:
Quote:Interesting array of cars! If you had to choose one you regret selling, which would it be? For me it would be the Mercedes G500.

Sorry I missed you at Lightning. I did see you on track though- nice! I'll make it a point to seek you out at Watkins if you are going. In the meantime, below is the family portrait... Big Grin
Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin......... which one are you?

LOL! Those of you who've met me would find it obvious. I'm that tall fella with the flat head....

Feel free to join in and add your cars to the list! It's been fun to see what people have owned over the years. Will you be at Watkins? I'll bring the beer and introduce myself, I swear!

- Lainey - 06-21-2010

Nick, I am kidding!!! You just like to stir the forum pot.... funny Big Grin

- dmano - 06-22-2010

Speaking of the Lemon's race we came in a respectable 15th place overall. The car loved the track wish we had more HP