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Taste Of The Track - Printable Version

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- George3 - 06-04-2010

emayer wrote:
Quote:Thx Beth!

You'll love this one. Just got a call from my dealer. My RS allocation just came through for an August build. Karma is a bitch! Anyone in the market for a nearly new GT3? Big Grin

Are we going to see you guys at Lightning?

Hey, I suffer from... Buschitis , too !!

I'm interested in your GT3...... ay-yay-yay-yay .....
Gimmee . . .

What's a guy to do. :?

- emayer - 06-05-2010

LOL! Oh man, that takes the cake!

Another case of "Buschitis" for the record...

I'm posting specs on the car in the For Sale section now with pics to follow if I can get the upload to work.  She's a beauty alright but the allure of an RS is too strong for me...

- George3 - 06-05-2010

emayer wrote:
Quote:..... She's a beauty alright but the allure of an RS is too strong for me...

I feel your pain !!!!!!!!!

- rhargy - 06-07-2010


Not sure if it's helpful from a nosecount perspective, but as it stands today my wife and daughter are planning on doing it on Sat. @ Lightning. I'm hoping that afterward they may have some better understanding of my post event babbling. (Or they may just consider me completely out of my mind. Care to set odds?)

Bob H

- Brian Minkin - 06-07-2010

rhargy wrote:

Not sure if it's helpful from a nosecount perspective, but as it stands today my wife and daughter are planning on doing it on Sat. @ Lightning. I'm hoping that afterward they may have some better understanding of my post event babbling. (Or they may just consider me completely out of my mind. Care to set odds?)

Bob H


Odds are after the TOTT program they will decide we are all out of our minds.Big Grin

Actually I have had the wives of several of our drivers in the the right seat of my car over the last few years and they all still talk about it with a big grin on their face. Looking forward to introducing your family to our world.

- LouZ - 06-07-2010



Any limit to participants on Saturday? Presently, I have 3 that want to participate.

- Brian Minkin - 06-07-2010

We can handle up to about 15.  We are not there yet but getting close.  So please ask your friends to come.

- Brian Minkin - 06-09-2010

Just a friendly reminder for Taste Of The Track participants.  You need to have long pants and closed toe shoes ( no sandals) to ride in the instructors car at speed.

- arac - 06-09-2010

I have two three friends who are in for saturday.



- Brian Minkin - 06-13-2010

I want to thank everyone who brought their friends and family out for Taste Of The Track this weekend.  The program was a huge success and we will continue to offer it at future RTR track events.