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What's your Porsche Look like? - Printable Version

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- Tony356993 - 01-30-2007

still waiting:


- Tony356993 - 01-30-2007

come on spring....


- Tony356993 - 01-30-2007

Not my car but a nice picture anyway:


- APXD 30 - 01-31-2007

The wooden garage doors are a classy complement to the collection.

- Tony356993 - 01-31-2007

Thanks Josh. I appreciate the kind words.

- Wellardmac - 01-31-2007

Yup, nice garage - looks great.

...and by my reckoning, we're still waiting for photos from Wally. Big Grin

- Wally - 02-01-2007

Sorry Wayne, I have tried several times to down load pictures of all the

parts of my car strewn around my heated garage, with running water,

but every time I take the film out of my Brownie camera and scan it

nothing developes.Big Grin Oh well, as I always say "What's the sense of

being Polish if you can't act it."WinkTongue

- Wellardmac - 02-01-2007

Wally wrote:
Quote:Sorry Wayne, I have tried several times to down load pictures of all the

parts of my car strewn around my heated garage, with running water,

but every time I take the film out of my Brownie camera and scan it

nothing developes.Big Grin Oh well, as I always say "What's the sense of

being Polish if you can't act it."WinkTongue

Seriously? you have no photos of your car? I have a hard time believing that.

- smankow - 02-01-2007

I think that Wally's camera is circa The Flintstones.

- Wally - 02-01-2007

Hi Wayne,  most of the photo's of my car are in the club archives somewhere.

I wast having too much fun driving it to take pictures.  I'm in the process of

buying another Porsche, (used) we'll see.

By the way, I don't think you would like to see pictures of the car

I'm currently driving.Confusedhock:
