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RTR Autocross Championship Event #1 - April 22nd @ Hershey Park - Printable Version

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- CarreraSupercharged - 04-13-2012

csmith74 wrote:
Quote:He dumped the red one... maybe he's planning on trading this one if for a Cayman with badly adjusted front cambers...

No not a chance. I spent the entire winter freezing in the garage, sheding blood making this car as I perfect as I could. I would certainly not let someone else enjoy it. Plus with what I sank in this car this winter,... I'd be loosing my shirt and would have to give it away. I know I will never recoup the money I put in it, and that is wahy I am keeping it.

I did all this for myself alone,... selfish meTongue

- NumeroUnoPA - 04-18-2012


Maggie and I finally registered.  Are we meeting @ the service plaza?


- csmith74 - 04-19-2012

Rain, rain, go away... Rain on Steve on DE day! Cool

- Vytenis - 04-19-2012

Forecast looking better.  Yay.

Won't be able to attend this one.  Boo.

Have fun!



- Craigs*84 - 04-21-2012

Sorry guy's im not going to be able to make this one Sad

- csmith74 - 04-21-2012

Gents... to those heading to Hershey tomorrow. Just a heads up, I'm really getting tired of rain autocrosses, and the forecast for Hershey is getting worse every hour. If it's going to be as bad as the forecast is calling for I'm going to bail. I don't mind the racing itself, but an hour plus on Rt. 78 in heavy rain with all the trucks and a 38yo car is just no fun. If it's mild or drizzly I'll go for it but if it's really crappy I'm sleeping in. Just to let you know so no one is looking for me. Sad:XSad:XSad

- NumeroUnoPA - 04-22-2012


To those wimps who were afraid there beautiful cars would melt, you missed some fun!!!!!!

No rain on the way out, no rain during the first group and no serious rain to the last 2 runs in the second group.  And we were done by 12:30.

Congrats to Trevor, Stephan and Jon for great runs.  Maggie was helping them do the books so I know I came in second in Group E and she came in third in L.  I did not have the car numbers for the others.


- CarreraSupercharged - 04-23-2012

Congratulations to all who showed up and brave the element.

A special "Houra" for Trevor with an amazing time,... actually only 0.16 second slower than Alan Pozner,.... WOW



- Vytenis - 04-23-2012

Way to go Trevor.  You must have been holding back in the past events or you have some new secret weapon.


- betegh9 - 04-23-2012

Congratulations, guys.  I, on the other hand braved the heavy rains at NJMSP Lightning track.  It was a hoot! there is no better car control learning tool than driving in the wet.  I was surprised how good R888's are in full tread in the wet.  I was blowing by some Subi STi's.

When is the next official AX on our schedule?