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The Cost of The Iraqui war in Porsche Terms - Printable Version

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- STEVEMCMORN - 04-09-2007

catchacab wrote:
Quote:stentech wrote:
Quote:Let us not go in to the war and have a weapon detonated in the US. The last thing you retards will be thinking about is how many boxters it can buy. This country became a country because of war.(revolutionary)Weak liberal ,wimp, pussies, will due nothing to help. Take your your boxter count and stick them up your a-- We are the world power that will win with a no BS no compromise and a ass kicking mother like George W. as the captain of the ship. Terrorist fear him. He is what we need in times like this. If you disagree you are a terrorist supporter loser. making this great country look week.I say fu to all of you liberal morons. If you disagree tell me where you live so I can send some of me friends that serve in the marine corps to your house so you can tell them how you feel.

Quote:Don't forget 'weak' with an a - If you disagree you are a terrorist supporter loser. making this great country look week. I thought the pen was mightier than the sword .... but apparently, not if you're a redneck

- STEVEMCMORN - 04-09-2007

- STEVEMCMORN - 04-09-2007

I  say fu to all of you liberal morons

Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin

follow up??


 was laughing so much at this post that completely screwed up my last two posts!!!

- Wally - 04-09-2007

stentech wrote:
Quote: If you disagree tell me where you live so I can send some of me friends that serve in the marine corps to your house so you can tell them how you feel.


Since it seems to be pick on Steve day, let me add my two cents. The marines Steve alludes to must be the guys that work on merchant ships. The people who earn the privilege to wear the Eagle, Globe and Anchor are in the Marine Corps. Any former Marine or current Marine will not visit any one's door. When you're the biggest dog on the block, you don't have to bark or leave a scent mark.Wink

Semper Fi,


- Wellardmac - 04-09-2007

I've almost responded to this thread several times, but the comments contained in it are beyond response.

Like McMorn, I can't even parody them as well as they parody themselves.

I honestly didn't know that Stephen Colbert was an RTR member. Big Grin

- ccm911 - 04-09-2007

OK, now I have gotta jump in.

We seem to have a real communication problem here in America today.  People seem to think that those who are against the war are not for supporting the troops. This could not be farther from the truth. It is just pure conjecture.  That would be like saying that everyone that is pro-choice is ultimately pro-abortion.  It doesn't work that way. By living here in America we have more or less agreed to live within "the gray zone" as opposed to having everything either black of white.  I mean, wasn't that the real goal for invading Iraq?  To get rid of a dictator? Apparently not.  Sorry, I forgot about all those WMDs that were confiscated.

And if you listen to the news, you should realize that most of these kids dying are just regular folk from small towns.  I don't see any of the politicians putting their kids out on patrol over there.  Didn't they refer to Viet Nam as the "Great American Cleansing"?  And where was your "Bad Ass" George Bush back then?  Not in Viet Nam.  Clinton may have gotten out of going, but at least he didn't don a uniform and then arrogantly proclaim "mission accomplished" from the deck of an aircraft carrier. More lives lost since that proclamation.  Actually, I think we have lost twice as many since.

Amd if all the "big spender" military types still want to spend their tax dollars in that manner, then why don't we help out some folks that really need it.  Do I hear Africa?  Now those folks could sure use some help.  Military, Engineering, Education.

Just my humble opinion.


P.S.  Was my grammar OK?  Honestly, if there are any typos, I am really not a redneck, I was just typing fast.

- catchacab - 04-09-2007

It is difficult if not impossible to be against the war, and support the troops.   It like trying marijuana but saying you didn't inhale, or stating you didn't have sex, but you left some DNA on her dress.  How do you support the troops?  Have a yellow ribbon on the rear of your car? Buy a service person a meal? Offer thanks to every service person you see? Help a service person's family in any way you can? President Bush, although he is not in Iraq with  weapon in hand, is still Commander in Chief of our Armed Services.  If you do not support him, then you do not support our troops.

In an adversarial relationship (there are a few marriages that come to mind too), each adversary looks to find the others weakness.  In an armed conflict one can be out gunned, out positioned and out manned, but still be victorious.  The state of mind of the combatants plays an important roll.  When the adversary sees weakness in  public and world support for our actions it makes it easier for them to recruit combatants, sympathisers, and raise funds.  As their experience and size increase, they inflict greater casualties on us, resulting in an in greater opposition to our mission.   This cycle keeps going around.  This is how those who don't support the war hurt our troops

Yes, we do live in a grey zone, but the conflict is in a region where the people only see black or white.  The differences in culture and thought are part of the reason why our efforts are not creating the stability in Iraq.

It is unfortunate for anyone to be injured or die from combat.  I have parents of my patients  that have served in Iraq, and have a some that are there now.  They live in nice middle class suburban communities.  We will see more people from small towns, and or from lower social economic means die in combat, but that is due (not dew or do) to the kind of person who is attracted to serving our country, and willing to risk their lives for ours and our ideals.  I salute them!  They have more courage and honor than I.  If I was put into a combat situation, I don't know if I would wet, soil, cry or faint first.

President Clinton never lead a successful military action.  Remember Somalia.

This tread has gone in a different direction than initially intended, and that is not a bad thing.  As long as we can all debate friendly, we all win!

- stentech - 04-09-2007

 How many Twin turbos per day is this war costing us per day? What happens to the octane value of gasoline when it is radioactive? Sorry if my potty mouth offended any one. I just like to stir things up a bit to get things going. You all have very good pionts except Chris MTongue


- ccm911 - 04-09-2007

catchacab wrote:
Quote:It is unfortunate for anyone to be injured or die from combat. I have parents of my patients that have served in Iraq, and have a some that are there now. They live in nice middle class suburban communities. We will see more people from small towns, and or from lower social economic means die in combat, but that is due (not dew or do) to the kind of person who is attracted to serving our country, and willing to risk their lives for ours and our ideals. I salute them! They have more courage and honor than I. If I was put into a combat situation, I don't know if I would wet, soil, cry or faint first.
So are you saying that folks from "lower social economic means" are more Patriotic? Or could they have fewer choices?

- catchacab - 04-09-2007

stentech wrote:
Quote: What happens to the octane value of gasoline when it is radioactive?

Nuclear powered cars...hmmmm

How much HP can they produce?

Lead is too heavy, I'll just use aluminum to cover the radioactive core. I will call it the glowmobile.

Where can I leave the spent fuel?

No dependance on forgein oil. No wars to fight for oil.

Reduced greenhouse gas emissions.