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NEW PA Law- "No Cell Phone While Driving", - Printable Version

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- ccm911 - 10-16-2007

People are just rude when they drive.  Period.

And like everything else.  Let's enforce the laws we have prior to making new ones.

- Wellardmac - 10-16-2007

ccm911 wrote:
Quote:People are just rude when they drive. Period.

And like everything else. Let's enforce the laws we have prior to making new ones.

+1 I cannot disagree with that at all. we're great at making laws that noone follows and are not enforced.

- catchacab - 10-16-2007

Wellardmac wrote:
Quote:ccm911 wrote:
Quote:People are just rude when they drive. Period.

And like everything else. Let's enforce the laws we have prior to making new ones.

+1 I cannot disagree with that at all. we're great at making laws that noone follows and are not enforced.
Rules, regulations and laws should be enforced for everyone!

- AMoore - 10-17-2007

I think we all recognize that people on cell phones are clearly distracted much more than those who listen to the radio or talk to passengers.  The distractions are annoying because traffic moves slower and worse, dangerous and can result in accidents.  The idiots who put on make-up and read the paper are horrible but their numbers are few compared to cell phone users. 

I, for one, would welcome a law prohibiting hand held cell phone use. 

- JIMK - 10-17-2007

larrybard wrote:
Quote:JIMK wrote:
Quote:ccm911 wrote: +1
Does that mean you added some "mana"?
Uhm, I don't know. I was, however, intending to addone more "I'm impressed" at seeing an Ayn Rand reference in 2007. Haven't seen one of those in years.

- larrybard - 10-17-2007

JIMK wrote:
Quote:I was, however, intending to add one more "I'm impressed" at seeing an Ayn Rand reference in 2007. Haven't seen one of those in years.
Well if you promise to [re?]read it I'll send you a copy.

- JIMK - 10-17-2007

larrybard wrote:
Quote:JIMK wrote:
Quote:I was, however, intending to add one more "I'm impressed" at seeing an Ayn Rand reference in 2007. Haven't seen one of those in years.
Well if you promise to [re?]read it I'll send you a copy.


Atlas Shrugged is my second "most often read" book.

It's almost as worn as my Bible.

- larrybard - 10-17-2007

JIMK wrote:
Quote:Atlas Shrugged is my second "most often read" book.

It's almost as worn as my Bible.

Bless you, my son!

(Not that Rand would approve in the slightest of your first choice.)

- JIMK - 10-17-2007

larrybard wrote:
Quote:JIMK wrote:
Quote:Atlas Shrugged is my second "most often read" book.

It's almost as worn as my Bible.

Bless you, my son!

(Not that Rand would approve in the slightest of your first choice.)


But sometimes in life the spirit moves you and you just gotta go!

<off to the head right now>

- catchacab - 10-17-2007

Personal responsibility, what a novel idea. 

I know John Galt!