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Financial Shakeup this weekend - Printable Version

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- Wellardmac - 04-17-2008

Ccns23 wrote:
Quote:I think we all can agree that we really need to completely overhaul the current tax code. The problem is, who can actually step up and accomplish it?

John McCain. I like what I'm seeing there in terms of his tax proposals. If I can't vote for Clinton, then I'll end up voting for him.

- Wellardmac - 04-17-2008

Interesting article on why we'll always have an elitist as a President. Smile


- emayer - 04-18-2008

That was a fun read!

My question is this: 

Is elitism defined simply by education and wealth or an indiviudal's view (disdain) for those considered to be of "lesser" stature? 

I favor the latter definition as I know plenty of highly educated/ wealthy people that based on their behavior and treatment of others you would never be able differentiate from the "regular" folks.

- ccm911 - 04-18-2008

I read that column as well, and unfortunately, what I took away was that the cards are stacked against you unless you come from wealth and Harvard/Yale/Duke.


- Wellardmac - 04-18-2008

Unfortunately, I read the same thing as Chris.

The cards are stacked against you becoming President unless you graduated from Yale or Harvard.... Caltech, Stanford and UC Berkeley almost seem like slumming in in that context.  Smile


As for Eric's question on what makes someone elitist... to me elitism is a state of mind. It's another form of prejudice and we all have some of it to a certain extent - it just depends on how we show our elitism. 

- AMoore - 04-18-2008

Reagan went to Eureka College.

- dmano - 04-18-2008

Ccns23 wrote:
Quote:I think we all can agree that we really need to completely overhaul the current tax code. The problem is, who can actually step up and accomplish it?

I elect Mankowski if he will ever come back to us.

- ccm911 - 04-18-2008

David, I thought you would be down here in Old City getting ready for the Obama rally.  I can see you in an Obama shirt, hat.....Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

- catchacab - 04-19-2008

 Just like in the rest of the world, connections matter in politics.  A mutual experience be it where you grew up, high school, college, grad school, fraternity, ...  matters.  This also shows that a great education, or by being focused at an early age, or by being directed by elders, can lead to a position that has an impact on others.

- Wellardmac - 04-21-2008

let's see...

Two candidates that cannot get a convincing win on the merits of their policies go negative, then attack each other for going negative. Anyone else see the humor in this besides me?


...ahh, and they wonder why voters are turned off by politics as usual. Wink