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The "would you rather..." game - Printable Version

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- Wally - 01-23-2008

Rich, after all what is life without challenges?

Have a boss who understands your need for long weekends at the track


A wife who understands?

- AMoore - 01-23-2008

Your wife can get over it and you can make it up to her.  Your Boss may not give you that chance.  Fortunately, my boss is also at the track!

Trip to wine country in Italy and get a test drive the new Scudera at the Ferrari factory


Trip to Germany for Octoberfest, and get to test drive a new GT 2 at the Porsche factory.

- George3 - 01-23-2008

Javol............>>>>>>............. the GT2


If distance were not a factor.....

Go to Bondurant School


Skip Barber School........................... and why

- catchacab - 01-23-2008

Bondurant. In the winter.  It is their facility. 

Go to the track 52 times a year, but have sex with your wife 6 times a year


Have sex with your wife 52 times per year, but go to the track 6 times per year.

- bobt993 - 01-23-2008

I not sure what would require more maintenance......Confusedhock:


The proper answer is the sex.    Of course, that allows the track schedule to........ grow.


Drive  5 different  track 30 days a year or 


10 different tracks every year a total of 20days.


- catchacab - 02-01-2008

Drive 5 tracks, 30 days a year.

Get to do anything you want with your dream woman but, she brings her boyfriend and you have to play on both teams.


You stay at home, alone, every Saturday night forever, with a movie, box of tissues and some moisturizer.

- ccm911 - 02-01-2008

So far, me and "lefty" have been making out pretty well on our Saturday nights.  Never play on the other team.  Purely Taboo.

Total Skag who is unattached


Hottie who is attached?

- AMoore - 02-04-2008

Hottie who is attached! - What is the downside?

Hottie with a miserable personality for an entire weekend


skank for a half hour?

- catchacab - 02-14-2008

Skank for half an hour.  Still have forty seven and a half hours to be with some one else.


 A good cigar and cheap scotch


Great scotch and a cheap cigar

- AMoore - 02-15-2008

cheap scotch and good cigar.  Some inexpensive blends aren't too bad, such as Dewars or JW.  A bad cigar will make me heave!

A great burger with fries


a filet mignon with baked potato?