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Financial Shakeup this weekend - Printable Version

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- Ccns23 - 06-11-2008

I agree. No politician seems to understand the concept of a balanced budget. One thing I wouldn't be opposed to is a $2-$5 tax per week on every workers paycheck that would directly go to paying down the national debt and nothing else. I know, it's not much, but it's a start. One of the things we really need to accomplish is eliminating or at the very least start to eliminate our debt.

- emayer - 06-11-2008

Ccns23 wrote:
Quote:I agree. No politician seems to understand the concept of a balanced budget. One thing I wouldn't be opposed to is a $2-$5 tax per week on every workers paycheck that would directly go to paying down the national debt and nothing else. I know, it's not much, but it's a start. One of the things we really need to accomplish is eliminating or at the very least start to eliminate our debt.

+1. If my taxes are going to go up anyway, I'd rather it be used for this purpose. I know countless economists say that carrying this debt isn't necessarily bad, but these levels are worrisome. What are we leaving future generations?

Glad to see the thread is alive again!! Confusedhock:

- catchacab - 06-11-2008

Wellardmac wrote:
Quote:Okay - some more analysis of candidate tax proposals:



...the funny thing about this is that despite the different distribution of tax changes the end result on taxation is the same in terms of income and effect on the national debt.

Both candidates would increase the national debt, although Obama would give back money to the people who pay less in taxes and make those that pay more in taxes pay even more. Whatever happened to balanced centrist policies?

It would be nice to see spending come down in both cases such that we only spend within our means.... ahh, the bygone era of balanced budgets. Smile

It would be interesting if someone would study the campaign promises of all elected Presidents over the past 60 years and see which promises that were kept.

- ccm911 - 06-12-2008

From CNN:  http://money.cnn.com/2008/06/11/news/economy/iraq_war_hearing/index.htm?cnn=yes

Thanks, George Bush and the Republican party!

2.7 Trillion.  2,700,000,000,000

Or in other words:  The cost of 49,090,909 Porsche Boxsters at $55k per.

US Population: about 300,000,000

For the price of the war, one in every  6 Americans could be given a new Porsche!!!

Nuff said.:?

- Ccns23 - 06-12-2008

And therin lies the problem. Why are we spending so much money in a foreign country when the money could be much better spent here? It's just sad knowing that generations upon generations will be paying for the cost of this pointless war.

- emayer - 06-12-2008

ccm911 wrote:
Quote:From CNN: http://money.cnn.com/2008/06/11/news/economy/iraq_war_hearing/index.htm?cnn=yes

Thanks, George Bush and the Republican party!

2.7 Trillion. 2,700,000,000,000

Or in other words: The cost of 49,090,909 Porsche Boxsters at $55k per.

US Population: about 300,000,000

For the price of the war, one in every 6 Americans could be given a new Porsche!!!

Nuff said.:?
55K is a nice start for college/vocational education for one in six as well. Now that's a way out of this mess...

- dmano - 06-18-2008

Hello all it has been a long time since I posted.

We need another Boston Tea Party

just this time it will be against our own government.

- ccm911 - 06-18-2008

Welcome back David!

Totally agreed.  It is such a shame that Bush and Cheyney have created a society that equates questioning of authority with "terrorist activity".  It really is time for all of us to take a stand and demand that changes be made.

Why should a useless politician be able to retire with better benefits than those afforded the average American?  Why have we elevated these cretins to a higher social strata? 

Time to start all over from scratch. 

- emayer - 06-18-2008

dmano wrote:
Quote:Hello all it has been a long time since I posted.

We need another Boston Tea Party

just this time it will be against our own government.

Welcome Home!

I agree 100% with your statement. Time to clean the slate and start fresh. Part of this entails changing the public and media's mindset about what is important in our leadership and controlling the costs of these campaigns to open the field. Too many otherwise excellent candidates for civil service are not willing to lay their personal lives on the line. I can't blame them... Congress needs to put forth an agenda of achievable goals and complete them before we can discuss regaining their trust.

We need to be introspective and collectively reconsider what our priorities as a society should be. Are we willing to entertain individual sacrifice of some of our freedoms, incomes, etc. in order to achieve goals that will help strengthen the country as a whole?

- emayer - 06-19-2008

Wellardmac wrote:
Quote:emayer wrote:
Quote:We need to be introspective and collectively reconsider what our priorities as a society should be. Are we willing to entertain individual sacrifice of some of our freedoms, incomes, etc. in order to achieve goals that will help strengthen the country as a whole?

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Richard Jackson, Letter from that Assembly dated November 11, 1755 to the Governor of Pennsylvania.

Paranoia and isolationism do nothing to secure anyone and achieve only the effect of imprisonment of the citizenry by the government.

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country

Whether we choose to admit this or not, we've already sacrificed our freedoms at the hands of foreign governments due financial debts, dependency on foreign oil and manufacturing, as well as commitments to longstanding military conflicts. Our founders did not envision this for our country.

When I speak of sacrifice, I do not mean personal liberty, in fact quite the oppposite. I am in support of increasing personal responsibility and less government intrusion so that the natural efficiencies of a capitalistic society can once again take root. I speak perhaps of increasing our tax burden to pay of foreign debt, limiting government spending, relaxing restrictions on energy production within our borders while encouraging energy saving measures. I would make clear that the personal debt we carry goes in the hands of foreigners, our responsibility to our country and the future of our families is to be productive and live within our means. Unlike the authors of our Constitution, present day leaders are afraid to address the hard facts as they are politically unpalatable. Meanwhile the downward spiral continues...