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The "would you rather..." game - Printable Version

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- catchacab - 02-15-2008

Great Burger and Fries (Kosy's Broadway and Astor Place, NY, NY)

Thunderbird (the wine) with friends


Opus, at a business dinner

- LouZ - 02-15-2008

Opus, at a business dinner


Sharing your helmet with a group at the Glen in August




Sharing a bottle of Thunderbird (swigging from a brown paper bag) with the group

- Graham - 02-15-2008

LouZ wrote:
Quote:Opus, at a business dinner

Sharing your helmet with a group at the Glen in August


Sharing a bottle of Thunderbird (swigging from a brown paper bag) with the group

- catchacab - 02-17-2008

Graham wrote:
Quote:LouZ wrote:
Quote:Opus, at a business dinner

Sharing your helmet with a group at the Glen in August


Sharing a bottle of Thunderbird (swigging from a brown paper bag) with the group
I will take the sharing the bottle, but my group, is four, twenty-two year-old, 5'10", 125lb blond women. (I would share my "helmet" with them too)

Be invisible at will


Be able to fly at will

- AMoore - 02-19-2008

Quote:Be invisible at will


Be able to fly at will



This is a classic since childhood.  Once I became old enough to realize that seeing naked girls without their permission was not too cool, I changed my answer to being able to fly at will.




being able to breath underwater (unassisted by apparatus) at any depth?

- TwentySix - 07-16-2008

I just want to fly.....  Cool


Would you rather have:

a silver 911 Turbo (964)


a Ferrari F355 ??  

[Image: icon107.gif]  Michael?

- AMoore - 07-16-2008

If free, I'll take the Ferrari (higher resale value).  If money out of pocket, I'll buy the Porsche. 




- George3 - 07-16-2008

Terrestrial...... because it's free.

... But, I have XM.


Ice cream cone with Jimmies


Chocolate Dipped Cone (the kind that freezes on to the custard)

- catchacab - 07-16-2008

Ice cream with chocolate sprinkes



Sharing your DE hobby with your spouse


Sharing your DE hobby with the guys

- oneFASTbunny - 07-24-2008

Luckily, I get to do both!  However, if I had to chose, I'd say sharing DE with the guys.  Big Grin  It gets competitive with the spouse.


Since Porsche has no presence in F1. . .

Kimi Raikkonen


Felipe Massa