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Glen Pix - Printable Version

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- George3 - 08-04-2008

That floor jack handle looks like it is sticking out into traffic.

I think it might need an orange PennDOT vest !!

LouZ wrote:
Quote:If you missed Thursday's traffic jam on the PA Turnpike, here's a pix of Mankowski's Trailer Repair Shop

[Image: attachment.php?id=1656]

- Darren - 08-04-2008

betegh9 wrote:
Quote:the Deer Hunter is in my sights.
Dude, I hope you have a long range gun

- betegh9 - 08-04-2008

Darren wrote:
Quote:betegh9 wrote:
Quote:the Deer Hunter is in my sights.
Dude, I hope you have a long range gun

Confusedhock:Confusedhock:Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin:dude:

Don't bring a knife to a gunfight!!TongueTongue

- Sechsgang - 08-04-2008

Im waiting Nick...Ill make sure I bring my running shoes!

- Mark Fox - 08-05-2008

Smile Mike those are some exceptional shots.  Do you have more if so please post.  What camera are you using?

- Mike Andrews - 08-05-2008

Mark Fox wrote:
Quote:Smile Mike those are some exceptional shots. Do you have more if so please post. What camera are you using?


I have more.... I took shots of the Red and then the Black run groups and then had to head back to the pits to get the car back in time for the white run group. What car(s) in particular are you looking for?

I was using two different camera's. A 1D MKII with a 300 f4.0 L lens and then a 5D with a 70-200 f2.8 IS L lens. I think after this weekend I've decided to trade both of them for a 1DS MKII or perhaps a MKIII if I can rationalize the extra money.

- Mike Andrews - 08-05-2008

LouZ wrote:
Quote:If you missed Thursday's traffic jam on the PA Turnpike, here's a pix of Mankowski's Trailer Repair Shop

[Image: attachment.php?id=1656]

Ok, this is for all you guys that tow. With a double axle trailer (like in the picture) if you drive the front tire up on a wood ramp (a 2x12 or two) it will lift the rear tire off of the ground and you do not have to deal with the jack. If the front tire is the bad tire just back the trailer up onto the ramps.

Of course if you like using the jack that works as well....

- catchacab - 08-05-2008

He has a ramp but blew both left side tires and oneon the right. I know Steve is very thankful to all who stopped, helped and lent him their spares.

- Mark Fox - 08-05-2008


Drew, Terry, myself, Tony and Don.  Thanks.

- betegh9 - 08-05-2008

Sechsgang wrote:
Quote:Im waiting Nick...Ill make sure I bring my running shoes!

OK! ....... and I'll bring my flip flops to keep up with you.

Sign up for Porscherama, you'll have a blast. It is held September 12th to the 14th. Full of activities, thus a Porsche parade in one weekend. Confusedhock:CoolCool