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Election info Please Read - Printable Version

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- Darren - 10-12-2008

dmano wrote:
Quote:All the Obama people must have drunk the "cool-aid" because your all blind.

McCane is almost as bad just not as bad. The lesser of two....... This is where experience counts. Just because you drive a P car does not mean you can drive an F1 car. Even though you think you deserve to drive one.

(Trying to quote the part that has the most misspellings)

I like McCain and I respect him. I listened to a story on CNN on my XM radio while driving to the track this weekend (trying to tie this to cars somehow). The story was about people in the audience at McCain and Palin events that are yelling out:

"He's a terrorist" -- directed at Obama
"String him up!" -- yikes! do they want to lynch him???

McCain did a great job of deflecting this and making it clear that he thinks that "Obama is an honorable man." He doesn't want this kind of negative hate speech clouding his campaign because it's totally off the mark. If people start associating this kind of attitude with the McCain campaign, then it's done. No reasonable and/or educated person will put up with it.

If you like McCain I think there are better arguments to focus on, and many of them are valid. Challenging Obama's character is not going to do it.

The scary thing to me is that there is a large population of this country that thinks that Obama is not only a Muslim, which is false, but also that Muslim is the same as Radical Muslim. Face it, we have radical Christians too, some of them blow up abortion clinics. Those Radical Christians don't represent all of us, just like Radical Muslims don't represent all Muslims.

The other scary thing is that racism, fear, and hatred are still so strong that "string him up" is a popular enough opinion that it's repeated across the country and even reported on CNN.

I honestly thought we came further than that.