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Gone into hibernation :( - Printable Version

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- Wellardmac - 11-26-2007

Yeah, I've not gotten there yet, but I know that my days are numbered. I know last year I put the car away too soon... this year I'm trying to wait until the last possible minute. Smile

- ccm911 - 11-27-2007

Guys, we live in Southern Pennsylvania.  Which means that it snows like two or three times a year.  And in between the weather is really not that bad.

Do what you want, but if I spend the money on a fun car, I WILL get to enjoy it year round.

- catchacab - 11-27-2007


Ever take the bike out in the snow?

- ccm911 - 11-27-2007

Absolutely!  I had the GT-750 sideways, up the hill in front of my house.  My buddy Doug was there to verify.  And when I bought my RD-400, it was February, but it was still taken out for a proper beating.

As or the 911.  Six inches of snow, and I still made it up King of Prussia road.  Just ask Maureen, she was in the car.

These cars are not built to be Garage Queens.  They are built to be beaten!  That is what separates us from the Italian contingent.

- APXD 30 - 11-27-2007

ccm911 wrote:
Quote:These cars are not built to be Garage Queens. They are built to be beaten! That is what separates us from the Italian contingent.


I have been and will always be a fan of p-cars. To be fair, price of entry and maintenance is what separates us from the Italian contingent.

I will be thrilled when the day comes when I can afford to own a car with the other dancing horse on the hood.

Owning one wouldn't make the Porsche or any other car a "beater."

- ccm911 - 11-27-2007


I am right behind you.  I feel that my life will not be complete until I have a car with the Horse on the hood.  No Lambo, though.  Ferrari all the way!  It is so tempting when I see old 308s for under 30K.  Even if it is the lowest and most common, it would still mean I had the Prancing Horse in the garage.

I'll make you a deal.  If I get one first, I will let you drive it.  If you get one first, I get to drive it.  That would be a win-win!

- ccm911 - 11-27-2007

Forgot to add.  The Ferrari, like the Porsche, will be taken out regularly and beaten like a red-headed stepchild!Big Grin

- Wellardmac - 11-27-2007

ccm911 wrote:
Quote:Guys, we live in Southern Pennsylvania. Which means that it snows like two or three times a year. And in between the weather is really not that bad.

Do what you want, but if I spend the money on a fun car, I WILL get to enjoy it year round.

Yeah, but the problem is that the towns buy enough salt for an Alaskan winter, then dump the entire stock on the roads during the 3 days of snow and that craps them up for 2 months.... the hibernation is less of a bad weather hibernation, but more of a hiding from salt sleep. Smile

- Wellardmac - 11-27-2007

ccm911 wrote:
Quote:Forgot to add. The Ferrari, like the Porsche, will be taken out regularly and beaten like a red-headed stepchild!Big Grin

Hey, less! I was once a red headed step-child. Wink

- APXD 30 - 11-27-2007

Wellardmac wrote:
Quote:ccm911 wrote:
Quote:Forgot to add. The Ferrari, like the Porsche, will be taken out regularly and beaten like a red-headed stepchild!Big Grin

Hey, less! I was once a red headed step-child. Wink
Let the record show that I was nice and didn't go there.....:dude: