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RTR DEs - Camping at the track - Printable Version

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- delanckc - 02-26-2010

Camping isn't camping without fire.  I have all the camping equipment I need but must have a fire to complete the experience.  Interested.  Movies on a side of a trailer would be interested.  Reminiscent of the old drive-ins.


- AMoore - 02-26-2010

I have the Watkins Glen instructional DVD - "Demistifying the Twist," which could be shown.

- Darren - 02-26-2010

McMorn -- so it sounds like there is interest from people here on the forum -- not only to just camp out but also to be able to hang out a little longer at the track at night.

I like Bob's idea -- how about the club picks up the costs for 1 event and then we go from there -- see how much people like it.

- STEVEMCMORN - 02-27-2010

I have been reading the comments as we go - the good and the bad. I picked a cost of $35-50 based on the cost per night at WGI. I figured if 10 people were willing to pay a high cost of $35 per night so we break even, then there really would be sufficient interest to (try to) move this initiative forward .... and the cheaper it gets, the more people would be interested.

I will feed all of your comments back to the EXEC at the next meeting in 4 weeks.
