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The "would you rather..." game - Printable Version

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- Brian Minkin - 10-18-2006

Working in the garage winter or summer.  Hire a gardner. Cool


Roller Coaster


Tunnel Of Love

- Mike Andrews - 10-19-2006

Yard in summer......







- smankow - 10-19-2006

since Mike broke his own rules and didn't answer the last question:

roller coaster for Brian's question

breast for Mike's question


desktop or laptop?

- Mike Andrews - 10-19-2006

I did answer the last question.... Brian, being the dubious person that he is, inserted his answer before mine to keep from having to retype his answerConfusedhock:







extra crispy?



- LouZ - 10-19-2006

Mike - you shouldn't even be THINKING of that in your conditionConfusedhock:

Extra Crispy - this was, I can do an oil change on the P-car from what comes off those "nooks and crannies" !


Summit in the rain (reality)


Pocono in beautiful weather (dream on)

- bobt993 - 10-19-2006

Been there done that.  Summit in the rain,  Pocono in the dry is less fun than Summit Point in a downpour. 

harder relevant question:

VIR in the rain or Watkins in the rain, both on slicks. ..............Confusedhock:

- Mike Andrews - 10-19-2006


Ok, this requires a little set up.  It's to judge your threshold to "pain".
Would you rather bang you brand new Stand 21 (read expensive) Kevlar helmet into an object that compromised the helmet,
Bang your head into an object that had you dancing around swearing for 15 minutes with a resulting knot on your head for a week or so (assume no lasting damage, just very painful).

- ZBlue996Kam - 10-19-2006

I have had some minor health issues in the last two weeks that make me think that I would rather bang the expensive helmet than my head.

You can always buy a new cheaper helmet after the expensive one is broken.




- Larry Herman - 10-20-2006

Glasses.  I have known people who have had problems with Lasik, and that is one long shot that I don't want to risk.

Best driver in the club


Best instructor in the club? (can't be both)

- smankow - 10-20-2006

I'd have to say best instructor (even though I'm not even an instructor) as it's good to pass your knowledge on to other and being the best among our best is an accomplishment.


The Simpsons

