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Gas prices - Printable Version

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- ninjabones - 05-06-2008

Darren wrote:
Quote:Nice guys! Though I will say that the right hander (ug, I don't know the names yet -- are they calling that the corkscrew?) before the left before the big straight.....if he took that all the way tight, you'd have a much more difficult time passing him!!!

The problem is the crown there (as in most of the track) and sometimes in tight keeps you on camber even though it's not the ideal line.

You both are driving great though!! Glen I caught your other video on Youtube that you should post, nice work!!

As requested....


This was a 9 lap battle between me and Jeff Conklin (he started behind me and trailed for 4 laps, then I was on his tail for another 5). These were our two best laps (time wise).