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Poll: Planning for the future AX - Printable Version

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- Wellardmac - 09-25-2006

Glad to hear that you spoke with Graham and that he knows about our discussion. Hopefully we'll get a pointer from the RTR webpage at some point.

- Terry Minkin - 09-27-2006

Larry Herman wrote:

In seeing today's autocrosses, at least around the Phila area, I feel that they have lost that atmosphere. The first aspect is the time board, which was updated minutes after your run.

I first started helping out at AX with Brian back in 1999. At that time we were using a large sketch pad to record the times on. I can remember that even back then, Brian and I had to enlist the aid of our children to help out in setting up, keeping the timing board updated, etc, etc. With fewer and fewer members showing up to help out, some of the procedural amenities that we used to do had to be laid by the wayside. So once again, the solution has to begin with more volunteers. I know we would gladly start a time board in the events as long as we have the volunteers.

(And Larry, this wasn't directed at you, it was more a general statement to let everyone know why the timing board was stopped.)

- Wellardmac - 09-28-2006

Terry - that does not surprise me.

I was hoping that the poll would give some insight into why we're losing numbers, but unfortunately, the lack of response tends to indicate that many do not care about AX and don't even care to say what we could fix that would make them care.... a little unfortunate, as it means that eventually some executive decisions will have to be made by the minority to try to make things better.

- mikehoyer - 09-28-2006

post the autox schedule on myautoevents.com or autox4u.com  those are the two biggest places people look for schedules.  Most events are on Sunday so having a Saturday event would be good in my opinion.


Also a bigger lot and/or faster course would be better.  I shouldn't have to think about shifting back into 1st gear on an Autox course.


that's my $0.02

- Mike Andrews - 09-28-2006

I have an opinion on this.  And it's only an opinion as I have nothing to support this.

There are only so many weekends available and only so much money for our hobbies.  And with the growth of the DE program I believe the time and resources are being consumed at race tracks where they used to be spent in parking lots.

That's not to say that there aren't some of us that would do both, but if you had to pick one......

- Brian Minkin - 09-28-2006

I think to some extent what Mike said is the case, but having the AX events on holiday weekends has also had a negative effect as I heard from a number of members who said they would have liked to attend but where away with their family on those weekends.

- Wellardmac - 09-28-2006

Brian Minkin wrote:
Quote:I think to some extent what Mike said is the case, but having the AX events on holiday weekends has also had a negative effect as I heard from a number of members who said they would have liked to attend but where away with their family on those weekends.

I tend to agree. Holiday weekends are usually committed to family and spending a day playing in the parking lot can be frowned upon.

- CarreraSupercharged - 10-14-2011

Wellardmac wrote:
Quote:Brian Minkin wrote:
Quote:I think to some extent what Mike said is the case, but having the AX events on holiday weekends has also had a negative effect as I heard from a number of members who said they would have liked to attend but where away with their family on those weekends.

I tend to agree. Holiday weekends are usually committed to family and spending a day playing in the parking lot can be frowned upon.

I have a slightly different view on this!!

Although I agree that holidays are for family time ( I do have 3 boys and travel away a lot on holidays),... however,... holidays or not, over my last 3 years with the Autocross crew it has always been the same people showing up, never been a stragler or two never seen new faces other than the usual 8-10 regular. Other than the Porsche and Plane event, people are just not showing up.

Perhaps the fact that some continue to debate the idea that DE is a step up from Autocross may have something to do with it,... just my opinion.


- arena - 10-17-2011

Great topic guys;  I think autocrossing is severely underappreciated, given how much fun it is compared with how much it costs.   I can't tell you how many porsche owners I have met that I know would absolutely love it, yet don't participate for whatever reason.

I think all of the reasons that have been discussed so far are completely valid-  In setting up next year (2012) event schedule, I think we should look to create a fun, competitive, convienent environment that will encourage more people to join.... and that means more local events, faster tracks, better scoring, better vibe, etc.

- betegh9 - 10-17-2011

I am happy that this thread is alive again.  It has only been here since 2006.  Larry Herman is correct that we need to have  good site(s), a white board listing all the competitors, classes and times is real nice to have, but someone should be assigned to post the times.  One run group system does not work for the fact that we need a group to work while the other group plays, then switch after x number of runs.

As far as the sites, facilities want a lot of $$$$ for a days use.  A $2000.00 lot would need 50 participants at $40.00 just to break even.  Awards would be nice, so 5 more participants are needed.  SCCA and others are charged over $4000.00 for sites like Citizens Ball Park lot and North Jersey at the Meadowlands.  So these venues require about 120 participants to break even, and when each participant wants to have 6 to 8 runs, things have to run qwickly........ like sending a car every 20 seconds.  Workers have to be fast on the course, and timing and scoring have to be coordinated.

Until we don't get the number of participants we need to cover costs, even if it is partially subsidized,  the best scenario is to piggy back on other clubs AX program....... and be at their mercy.