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Poll: Planning for the future AX - Printable Version

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- arena - 10-18-2011

betegh9 wrote:
Quote:I am happy that this thread is alive again. It has only been here since 2006. Larry Herman is correct that we need to have good site(s), a white board listing all the competitors, classes and times is real nice to have, but someone should be assigned to post the times. One run group system does not work for the fact that we need a group to work while the other group plays, then switch after x number of runs.

As far as the sites, facilities want a lot of $$$$ for a days use. A $2000.00 lot would need 50 participants at $40.00 just to break even. Awards would be nice, so 5 more participants are needed. SCCA and others are charged over $4000.00 for sites like Citizens Ball Park lot and North Jersey at the Meadowlands. So these venues require about 120 participants to break even, and when each participant wants to have 6 to 8 runs, things have to run qwickly........ like sending a car every 20 seconds. Workers have to be fast on the course, and timing and scoring have to be coordinated.

Until we don't get the number of participants we need to cover costs, even if it is partially subsidized, the best scenario is to piggy back on other clubs AX program....... and be at their mercy.
I'm going to seriously need your help setting up the schedule for next year. From what I have heard, everyone loved the course at Pocono; so I think that should definately be included. Is there a group that runs that event allready, or would we have to set it up ourselves?

- Brian Minkin - 10-18-2011

The Pocono AX was part of our Fall DE weekend at Pocono.  This year we invited the Pocono region to run the AX and we just gave them support and knowledge since they had never run an AX before.  The east course makes a fun 50-60 second AX course and everyone who ran it came off with a big grin.  We would love to see the RTR AX crew support this event next year.  This year most of the AX drivers came from the DE and Taste Of The Track programs.

- Brian Minkin - 10-18-2011

Paul Walsack (Wally) and I set the AX up and we would sure love some help next year.  My wife Terry ran timing and scoring. The RTR DE program rents the track so it would be coordinated with the DE Speed Council.

- arena - 10-18-2011

I'm hoping to increase the size of the RTR AX crew this year. Everyone says the Pocono east course is a hell of a lot of fun, so I definately want to include it on the calander.

- betegh9 - 10-18-2011

Seems like you will be the next AX chair....... as in the past, I have volunteered to help in any capacity.  I would be willing to do anything with the AX program...... all you have to do is ask.

- arena - 10-20-2011

betegh9 wrote:
Quote:Seems like you will be the next AX chair....... as in the past, I have volunteered to help in any capacity. I would be willing to do anything with the AX program...... all you have to do is ask.

I have volunteered, and I have a lot of enthusiasm and time on my hands as I am still single Tongue

I will definately be needing your help.

- betegh9 - 10-20-2011

Congratulations "arena"!!.... even before the elections.  We should get together with some of my other AX friends over some beer an wings and have a good discussion.  It is never too early to start.  Before you know it, the season will start.

- arena - 10-20-2011

Great idea.  I work at Don Rosen, so I'm very close to your area.

- NumeroUnoPA - 10-21-2011

Big Grin

Welcome aboard.  Maggie and I are avid autocross participants.  I think this survey misses the possibly most important reason.  Autocross is FUN.  There is a great core crew and more faces that are new have been showing up.  The camaraderie (read cheering during and party after) amongst the core group makes the events fun and draw people to autocross.  We are starting to see more women show up and that is a tremendous opportunity for more people to have fun.  Let us know if we can help.  Maggie has personally taken on the recruitment of more women.  I like Nick’s idea of getting together.


- arena - 10-21-2011

Yeah, lets get as many of the "regulars" together for drinks, and lets come up with a plan for next season.  I have a bunch of idea's myself, but it seems to me like all of us are pretty much on the same page as far as what our idea of autocross should be:    Great fun, great competition, and low barriers to entry  (meaning they should be local, inexpensive, and easy to get into for beginners)

I would like the Riesentoter AX group to be well know and respected in the philly area Cool