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Polluting Porsches. - Printable Version

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- Wellardmac - 05-15-2008

A wacky story on the Porsche angle on a emissions charge for London residents.


The really interesting comment comes in this related story that shows were EU emissions rules are going generally and how Porsche is failing to adapt.


Thankfully Ken didn't get reelected, so the chances of the charge being implemented are slim.


I found these stories while searching for a similar story that I was told about today where fines will be levied in the US for "polluting" cars. Apparently Porsche does not do well in this assessment. I'll post the story if I can find it.

- Wellardmac - 05-16-2008

Here's the story I was looking for yesterday on the impact of 2015 CAFE regulation proposals on Porsche and other high performance cars:



- ccm911 - 05-16-2008

Actually, is this concept of "Global Warming" really true?  The earth is billions of years old, yet we have really only been recording temperatures for the past 200 years? I mean, wouldn't we still be in the Ice Age if there was not a shift in warming trends?

And as for Porsche, I thought that being a relatively limited production vehicle would preclude it from being taxed on the basis of fuel efficiency.  I am probably wrong. 

- Wellardmac - 05-16-2008

ccm911 wrote:
Quote:Actually, is this concept of "Global Warming" really true? The earth is billions of years old, yet we have really only been recording temperatures for the past 200 years? I mean, wouldn't we still be in the Ice Age if there was not a shift in warming trends?

And as for Porsche, I thought that being a relatively limited production vehicle would preclude it from being taxed on the basis of fuel efficiency. I am probably wrong.

Porsche is in the uncomfortable position of not being a low production manufacturer, but is also not a high volume producer either.

Yes, the cycling of temperature is real and recorded, so a temperature increase in itself is not a unusual in the history of the planet.

The rate of temperature increase that we're seeing is unprecedented and very much a cause of concern. The planet will survive - nature always wins. Whether humans will still be around at the end of it is another matter.

If you're interested in the topic, then start up a thread in OT and I'll bite.

- Porshagod - 05-20-2008

Or, you could just buy a Porsche GT1 electric, and problem solved! Go to http://www.dupontregistry.com/autos/Search/DRauSearchDetails.aspx?itemid=478185 for more info. Ha! Big Grin

- Wellardmac - 05-20-2008

I hope that monstrosity wasn't made by Porsche. Confusedhock:

- ccm911 - 05-20-2008

The "Tail on the Tail" adds an elegant touch of class.Wink

- Porshagod - 05-20-2008

ccm911 wrote:
Quote:The "Tail on the Tail" adds an elegant touch of class.Wink
You can never have too much tail!

With 1,200 ft lb of torque, I just may have found my next track car! Just think, passing cars on the track with a quiet "swoosh", my "green" middle finger waving in the air.
Big Grin