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Solar Energy - Printable Version

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- dmano - 05-12-2008

Anyone interested in solar energy for their house. I have a company going to install solar systems in the near future at no cost to the homeowner for the system and installation. Look at the web site.  http://www.jointhesolution.com/davidmano1 that will bring you to the site for all the information.

Free Solar can't beat that. Contact me for more info.


- dmano - 05-13-2008

Nobody wants to go green and cut out PECO

- APXD 30 - 05-13-2008

Nah, I'm just waiting for the Obama/Soros team to fix big power & industry.   They could nationalize electricity and make it free since they seem to have all the answers.Big Grin

- ccm911 - 05-13-2008

I went out and read some of the info on the site.  I don't really think they do a convincing job on the savings calculations.  I am all for saving energy, as I always have been, but I still need more info.

Actually, getting folks to cut down on driving oversize SUVs would be a relatively painless start.  I know I sound like a broken record, but why does a loser soccer mom need to drive a huge truck on the streets of Wayne.  I think they are thinking they look tres chic.  I think they look like selfish, dumb, arrogant Americans.

- Brian Minkin - 05-13-2008

I do not think the point of going solar is to save money.  It is to lower the use of fossil fuels.  Based on the way their contract works if electricity does get more expensive (and it is a good bet that it will) you would then save money but based on todays rates this offer to convert to solar will not save any money. But given the number of coal and petroleum fired power plants in Pa, this would certainly be good for the environment.

- ccm911 - 05-13-2008

Actually, Brian, electric rates are supposed to jump close to 40 per cent when the price cap is removed.  That could be like in a year or two.

But sadly, solar won't work with my yard.  You've been there.  All the trees would just block the light in the summer.

- dmano - 05-13-2008

Brian said it correctly Chris, in the beginning the idea is for us to go green but in the long run it will save you money since you will be locking in your average electric costs that you pay now for 25 years. If you pay 150.00 per month now the rate would be locked in for 25 years no matter what Peco charges and yes the rates are expected to nearly double in a year so it will save you money and save the environment at the same time. They have options on the installations also, it does not have to be installed on your roof.

It really is about going green.

- Vytenis - 05-16-2008

ccm911 wrote:
Quote:Actually, Brian, electric rates are supposed to jump close to 40 per cent when the price cap is removed. That could be like in a year or two.

What price cap?


- Vytenis - 08-06-2008

I found the answer to my question...




Beginning in 2000, these rate caps began expiring in some utility territories in the commonwealth. By 2011, all utilities will be able to pass along the full wholesale market price to consumers. Once that happens - and because the price of energy sources like coal, natural gas and oil have increased substantially in the last 12 years- consumers can expect double-digit increases in the rates they pay.

The consumer advocate estimated the following approximate percentage increases in overall rates of residential customers over today's rates: PPL-37% Met ED-54% PECO-8% Penelec-50% Allegheny(West Penn)-63%

- dmano - 08-06-2008

Hello All,

I am starting my own solar installation company with a group of guys. We will be using AEE Solar as our supplier. My house will be the first install then one of our partners will be next. We have 5 customers already lined up for installs once we are up and running. Myself and the other installers will be certified solar installers in the coming weeks by SEI. Our lead tech has a solar engineering degree already and all the certifications that are required. I will keep you posted. We will also have customer financing in place by then with help from Pa. and our wonderful Government.