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Summit Point Club Race - Printable Version

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- bobt993 - 10-12-2006

Summit Point was far from nice weather, try 40's with enough rain to form small rivers across T8-T9, bottom of T10, outside of T1, bottom T5, on and on.  We all shot the weather forecaster as most everyone brought slicks and no rains.  RTR did well overall taking at least 4 first places, 4 seconds, and two thirds in class(s).  Despite the weather, I had a great event.........until my trans locked up during the enduro on Sunday, oh did I mention that is when the weather turned great, figures. ........  Larry,Dave,Carl, good luck in Daytona.  

- Tony356993 - 10-12-2006


I'm sorry I could not make the event but if the weather was that bad, maybe it was better to be working. Glad your first race went well. I cant'y wait for Larry's Daytona Vids.