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Thanks RTR, For A Great Summit Point Event - Printable Version

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- George3 - 08-23-2008

I wanted to thank Jack, Carol, Tom, Paul, etc, etc, etc, for another GREAT Driver's Ed event at Summit Point.  The weather was fantastic, the camaraderie even better.   Track conditions left some wanting, but I had a fantastic time.  Thanks to all who encouraged me to go home and get my Evo to save the weekend. I'm glad I did.


- steveh - 08-23-2008

+1 on another tremendous DE.  Thanks Jack, for pointing out the "high road" through 5 and 6 -- I think it saved me from having fillings shaken loose! Smile

I think George gets the award for highest combined towing/track miles for the event.

- I love this car! - 08-23-2008


Connie (even if only for a short while) and I had a wonderful time seeing our RTR friends, and want to thank all who produced a GREAT event!!!!

Thanks Guys!!!!

- Brian Minkin - 08-23-2008

It was a great event and as others have said big thanks to the RTR Track Chair and his speed council for putting it together.  Even in its present condition Summit is still a great track.  Between Summit and Thunderbolt this week I corded 5 tires.  But its so much fun I'm ready to do it again.

- ninjabones - 08-23-2008

Awesome event... finally started to get some confidence back.  24 run sessions since WGI turn 10 (affectionally called "turn glen" by my friends).  I love Summit Point, warts and all (after all I am a dermatologist.... love the challenge of a rough surface).  My car took a beating... parts were flying off left and right (lost my rear corner marker, front splitter, new oil leak from my aux cooler).  On the bright side though, I shaved 2 seconds off my best lap from June (thanks Steve)


- delanckc - 08-23-2008

I had a good time as well even though I only got 2 1/2 runs in due to a balky tranny/clutch.  The rest of my time was spent hanging with friends and meeting new ones.  Kudos to the DE management for a fine event.


- KennyB - 08-24-2008

Thanks go out to Jack, Tom and the great instructors of RTR.  My first time at Summit, had a blast.  Got to go out all 8 sessions (seems each event I go to at least one session gets rained out, or some other dilemma).  The car ran well, came home without creases (that's good) and I picked up some good pointers from my instructor, John G.

Too bad about Greg at T 10 in the last session.  Damn! With just 5 minutes to go, too.  Anyway, he's ok and he had track insurance.

Looking forward to going back.


- George3 - 08-24-2008

Here's a video just to show that there were many that had an excellent time on the Summit Point track, regardless of surface conditions.

Here are the Two Presidents having some dicing fun . . .


- bobt993 - 08-24-2008


Looks like you guys had fun.  Your T4 needs work!  If you notice Jack going by you, he tracks left not right, even with being slowed by traffic.  That turn is really fast and when you take it fast enough you cannot track back right.   I would guess a  second or so per lap.

- Brian Minkin - 08-24-2008


I agree with your turn 4 analysis if the track conditions did not offer a challenge in 5. I used to drive it that way. Now if I entered 5 towards the left the surface rotated the car and had me facing the wall.  Ask Jack about how he ended up in the tires at the entrance to the carousel. Need to take 5 all the way on the outside as you saw from the line I was driving in the video.  I am not sure how George got through 5 as smoothly as he did with the line he used.  That patch stuff there bounced my car in very unpredictable ways.