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Summit Point was great... - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Summit Point was great... (/showthread.php?tid=164)

- Axis - 11-20-2006

Thanks to the RTR_PCA for a great week end at Summit.

I had to celebrate it somehow and this is what happened....http://axisofoversteer.blogspot.com/2006/11/summit-bombastic.html

the video will probably self destruct in 5 sec...Big Grin

Thanks again guys and gals...

- stentech - 11-20-2006

How come there was no video shots of the red 996tt dusting all of the cars shooting the video?Tongue

- smankow - 11-20-2006

stentech wrote:
Quote:How come there was no video shots of the red 996tt dusting all of the cars shooting the video?Tongue
because he was in a different run group then Erin Big Grin