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Seat belt mounting instructions - Printable Version

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- dmano - 05-15-2009

Here is the best mounting instructions I have ever found.


- Phokaioglaukos - 05-19-2009

The Schroth manual is excellent, but note that FIA has published a new standard for advanced seats. You can find it listed at the very bottom of this page: http://www.fia.com/en-GB/sport/regulations/Pages/FIAStandards.aspx

At the BMW club's instructor training school a couple of weeks ago we discussed this standard at length. The big difference is not so much the head and shoulder restraints built into the seat but the new geometry for the sub straps. They must wrap back around the thighs. My Porsche seats have the hole for the sub straps too far forward to permit this geometry, although it does permit the geometry that Schroth requires. My next seat will meet this new FIA standard. Currently there are only a couple of seats made that do.

- Darren - 05-19-2009

Interesting that I'm pretty sure Schroth listed that same technique previously in their instructions.  My understanding from reading their old instructions was that the hole in the seat for the sub-belt is really for 5-point harnesses, though you'll see most people at the track both racing and DE have 6 points going through that hole.

I normally run aluminum seats so it's fairly easy to modify them to get this arrangement.  I don't think there are any composite seats that will allow going through the seat base like this -- essentially you need the sub belt mounted behind the chest plane.

I know of a couple RTR DE cars that are set up like this with the driver sitting on the belts and the sub belts tied into the lap belt locations.  This is totally acceptable (and preferred) from my research which includes calling manufacturers.

Though if you put the 6-point through the seat hole you effectively have a 5-point, so I don't think that's dangerous as much as it just doesn't accomplish what the 6-point is trying to do.

Everything in racing (and life) is a compromise.  The 5-point keeps the lap belt in place, the 6-point keeps your hips from rotating.  Now the 7-point has the best of both worlds but I don't even know where to get them!!!